yes but if you dont do enything it will make a precident
oh didnt kmow that
i mean does it matter warner will start to go bankrupt in a couple of years
dude has enough money to live for the rest of his life easily
listen if you have loop hole in a system that you can take advatage you bet your ass 90% will take advantage of it until it gets patched but it never will cauae the rich use it too
didnt she moan later that she hated how she didnt harry and hermione end up together in twtter
conan obrien keanu reeves jim carrie
listen that depends where your from id say cause i was bullied from 1st grade to like 5 and we always had those stupid meetings that did nothing and at like at fifth grade my dad was like about to blow cause nothing had changed and my father told me a story when he he was young and someone tried to bully him and he hit the kid so hard with a ski board to the face it sliced it open and that kid wouldnt even look at him and after that he told me that if i dont stand up for myself and fight back that the next time i get bullied he wilm beat the shit out of bully which luckily was what i needed to actually stop being a pussy and the bullying stopped once i started fighting back who could have quessed lol
no one used mid as slang in 05