Apenas um cara depressivo, querendo encontrar algo, mas sem saber o que e onde procurar. My Patreon.... https://patreon.com/Noxville753
If he is a time traveler, he came from the future of the same world correct? Or is he reincarnated? Honestly confused on this one.
Which guys?
It's a good story, but the formatting is quite confusing. There are huge chunks of conversations mixed between characters that sometimes make it confusing who is talking to whom. Author, try to separate the conversations better, your story is good. Good luck.
Meu amigo, sua história está boa, engraçado nos éguas ao invés de água que encontrei. (risos) Continue a escrever, e espero mais capítulos. Que minha nota 4 possa se tornar um 5 em breve. Poucos capítulos, bem escritos e estruturados até aqui, fique com Deus e boa escrita, meu amigo.
guerreiro das éguas? Vai virar um cafetão? kkkkkkkkkkkk
Apparently, the MC doesn't know Naruto, but he's a hardcore One Piece fan. That's okay, but not knowing and not having a shred of information is completely insane. Worse still, it's frustrating how the conversation unfolds and they seem to understand each other even though they don't really understand each other. Not mentioning the Marines or who the Shichibukai are or Whitebeard is very strange for a guy who's a One Piece fan.
It could be a much better rating, but strange names appear out of nowhere, causing unnecessary confusion. I was expecting a good read, with an interesting background of the MC, but like I said, who is Akai? or Qeny? (I don't remember correctly), Tang country?. Fix that and maybe it will be a good fanfic to read.
Is this some kind of sound effect?