Mean but cute
summarised my interaction with my plants as a black thumb
He thinks he can get her to heal his subordinates soo easily, that he misses the fact of how their previous interaction turned out
never thought a foot massage could be harmful to pregnant women, but turns out it can if deep pressure is applied to the calf and ankle... the more you know
dont kill him atleast
i dont like this, i liked Black bolt... sad to see him die in such a way
so Odin mistook him for his son due to Balders power, can we pls have Wanda mistake him for her son/brother due to wielding the same power as her
No.... dont kill them the same way Wanda did. He only came to this universe to not be bothered and reach lvl5, you reached your goal just leave, no need to massacre people
wait what? serpent form? i thought he grew bigger and got white hair...
how does no one see that both are the same person.... i mean you just saw Sunshine by Messiah and you clearly remember the light that spread across multiple dimensions.... light = light And no one has seen them work at the same time
with White Knights reality bending.... he is normal??