Omegaverse is my favorite genre so any recommendations are welcomed. Also I have a dirty mind so the smutter the better! I'm a sucker for pure romantic but enjoy a harem but what teen doesn't.
Bitch don't act like this act your set up
I bet the mom and sister had something to do with that accident
Wow so she can just talk crazy to people.... there had better be a severe punishment for her behavior she could've cause everybody to go down with the ship!
Y'all suppose to be a vacation.... happy times not sad ones
Bruh how could gene wanna have sex with his own son then his half brother raped him in high school. A have of nasty mf who deserve eternal punishment
You missing some paw paws they both need a couple more bullets!
Eww stop being so nasty! Why would want to do that to someone who is married and pregnant to somebody else!?
🤢 So nasty somebody please put these people 6 feet under immediately!
I fucking knew!!!!! I told you bitch I told u
Great read definitely recommend this to anyone who enjoys long novels! The adventure and the unexpected plot twist are really awesome!