Why is there no dark theme for my laptop :'( my eyes hurt Help!!
yes. jist sick of this garbage and boring cliche. characters should have lives and thoughts outside of the mc..
said every person every who has gotten frustrated and upset at a comment.
you can't dislike.. and what are you even on about
but it very clearly wasn't that hard. any one with half a brain would of been able to do it. plus he didn't get it because of the difficulty but quality of resource which plenty would have access to
yeh an interesting story
you are right it would since being a mortal within a cultivation sect with an ability that people would eventually get suspious of, with no hope of gaining the power nesscary to dominate anyone any time soon would be far more interesting then. man with cheat is superior to everyone.
I am assuming you are basing that off the end... which is one part sarcasm 2 parts statement, but you can be rude without being upset. you might know that if you had a life outside of your room.
it isn't about what they think, but the general direction of story due to this paragraph. another powr fantasy where either everyone worships the mc or gets absolutely humiliated and crushed.
yes in a fantasy setting....... so literally anything beside the most generic and boring conclusion
people being human instead of generic copy and paste cut outs