

2019-09-06 入りましたGlobal







The Supreme Ghost King

A young man who seemed like 25 years old was sitting on a sofa and was drinking beer. He was watching another young man who seemed like 22 years old. The 2nd young man was binding a rope on a fan. He was very calm. His eyes were blood red and had a look like a savage predator. "I wish we will be successful this time. There is no other option. Only death can free a man from his immense pain. If there is any god, please listen to me. Bless us to be successful." The 1st young man knelled down and closed his eyes. He cupped his 2 hands and started to pray. Booooom A wile later the 1st young man heard a noise. He didn't opened his eyes but his face seemed like he was very disappointed. "Huh. This time is also a failure." He sighed and stand up. sat down on the sofa and started to drink whiskey. Previously he was drinking a beer but after being disappointed he started drink whisky. "Fucking idiot. This was your 5th attempt. When are you going to die?" The 1st young man was shouting in frustration. "Hey, how do you know this is my 5th time?" The 2nd young man was startled. He turned his head toward the 1st young man. "Are you talking to me? He is talking to me." The 1st person lost his composure. He started to jump on sofa like a child. He became so much excited that he seemed like a child who got his long waited dreamed toy. Two Young man Wasim Sheikh and Aniurdh Shararma. Anirudh wanted to suicide and Wasim wanted that Anirudh could be successful in his attempt. Why he wanted such thing? Let us see further in the stroy. ...... ==== Hello guys, This is an original story by me. But the cover photo was from google. When I get an actual cover photo I will remove it. I am not native in English. So sometimes there will be some mistakes. So guys if you find any mistakes then please let me know, it will be very helpful. I hope that you will enjoy the story. If you enjoy the story please don't forget to leave behind your kind feedback. I will accept both type of feedback (Neg and pos) positively.

AnOrdinaryCitizen6 · 都市
5 Chs