



2019-08-18 入りましたIndia






Finding a way to destiny

Life is so good. I has everything in life and I don't need to fight for anything. Being a billionaire's only daughter is a great thing. You don't have to struggle in life to get anything. I never struggled for anything in life. But yeah, there is only one thing, I am fighting and struggling and desperately wanted in life. That's him. My biggest crush in school. I always want him. But he never notices me. I don't know whether he knows my existence. But we are in same Class. I always want him to acknowledge me. Our fathers always fight. Yeah, they both are business rivals. They are doing the same business and they are the best enemies and worst nightmares to each other. I am always proud to say that I am my dad's daughter. But I never want to tell him who I really am. Because of my dad. I have fantasy of mine. I want to finish my studies and marry him and have kids. I will have minimum 2 kids. Being a single child is not amazing. He will be my kid's father. He is already in my dreams. In my dreams, he takes care of our dads business and I am taking care of our family like his mom, dad, my mom and dad and our kids. I am Jane. Jane Wilson daughter of Jacob Wilson and Julia Wilson. Sole Heiress of Wilson construction Pvt LTD. He is Noah. Noah Anderson son of Nathan Anderson and Hailey Anderson. Sole Heir of Anderson Groups Pvt LTD. I am not a famous girl in school despite of having a famous parents. I am an average student with no other talents. No one takes me seriously in anything. Everyone thinks that I am an idiot and I can't even solve a Mathematical problem. But you know what, I can solve a Mathematical problem. No one knows it. I paint and that's the only thing I love to do. On the other hand, Noah is a dream boy of everyone in school. He is a great artist. He paints like a Picasso. Captain of football team, school topper in all the exams, He gets 100% even in the class test where you don't have to perform so well. More over, he dates a dream girl of our school Addison Williams. She is the head cheerleader of our football team and a great dancer and singer. I should fight with the entire school to get Noah. I believe in destiny and I believe that my destiny will take me there.

Danny_Dan · 都市
2 Chs

I don't want to see you again

So this is my story. Story of a middle class girl who dreams about becoming a wonder woman. Have you ever thought how life gonna be?? Have you ever realized it's gonna be cruel as always?? I am Jenifer. Everyone calls me Jenn. I am 23 years old kid who want to be a great human, helps everyone. But my fate did not allow me to do what I want. When I was in my 1st year of graduation, someone asked me what was my dream. I simply told that person that I wanted to help people who need me. But The problem is I fell in love with wrong man. When you love the wrong one, you should know that you are in a self distraction mode. You can never escape from the consequences. So I love Eric. The wrong one I was referring to is Eric. So he is a 6 feet 2 inches tall, handsome, rich and a perfect package for drool over, as well as, Arrogant, adamant, and he has all the bad habits we can think of. My Mr. Adamant never leaves anyone who pisses him off. Unfortunately I am one among those who all are in his "I will show you the living hell" list. Mr. Adamant hates me a lot. But I love the fact that he hates me. My story starts here. I finished my graduation and bored of doing higher studies. I can put it in this way. Actually I am scared of doing higher studies. It is that all "student problem who bored of college, lecture and obviously exams". So I decided to help my dad Robert in his business. I started working in my dad's company. My first and only boy friend Daniel wants me be an independent woman. So that I can live peaceful life, even if I don't have anyone around. That's the main reason, I started working after my graduation. But he had different plan in his mind.

Danny_Dan · 一般的
80 Chs

There are million reasons why I should give you up

"There are millions reasons why I should give you up. But the heart wants what it wants." Hi guys. This is Arya. I am 25 year old kid. Welcome to my world. I just wanna tell you that don't judge people. You would never know how much they are broken until you step on their shoe. I was a girl born and brought up in a conservative family in India. My family was so orthodox and they always follow some rules. I followed them without asking anything. We were happy. I was happy even though I had not have freedom to do things I love. One day everything was completely shattered. I didn't have time to think what to do. I always thought that going with a flow helps you to avoid stress. I decided to do that. But when I realized that it took me to the point where I could not revive myself. You would understand life when you see someone's death, if the person is very close to you, one broken relationship, one relationship doesn't have the clear future. Love could break you. Break you to the point where you would not find the scattered pieces. Same time it could heal you. But it would not heal you completely. You would always have the broken pieces with you to remind that how stupid you are. How stupid you are to allow someone to break you completely. I was broken into pieces completely by someone whom I love very much. I have few questions for you. Have you ever regreted for trusting someone? Have you ever cried in the silence and smiled in front of people? Have you ever thought that death could take you away from the pain you are going through? Have you ever lost someone very close to your heart? Have you ever depressed without a reason? Have you ever felt empty? Have you ever felt that life is meaningless and everything is meaningless? Have you ever experienced the fear of being alone and the thought of not having someone? If your answer is Yes for these questions, I would proud say that I am just like you. Once again welcome to my world. Do not judge me. I was just trying to escape from this pain caused by love....

Danny_Dan · 一般的
7 Chs