Ikr? The amount of racist people in the comment section is astonishing. The ironic part is they say the chinese are racists(which is prob partially true) while being very racist themselves. And they don't get it because wisdom is chasing them, but they are faster.
Why would you assume that I didn't read the manga? And you say it so matter of factly too. Like you "know" I didn't I read it. Like you personally knew me. That's why I know the ending sucked. And why I said he's somewhere between captain and rear admiral. Stronger than captain, but weaker than rear admiral. What're you arguing about?
Does he mean this? Expensive
Isn't that how real italians eat their pizza in real Italy? They use a spoon and fork.
Ooohhhh. Then C-sec is right across the bridge down some stairs and an elevator.
Of you don't remember. You were drunk. Heavily intoxicated in fact. The type of drunk where it's hard to get out of bed because of the massive hangover the day after.
Best girl Tali