I dont know why you're here reading my about section when you could be reading any one the AMAZING stories provided by this app. But since you're here.. I'm a wife, mother, avid reader, & BBQ expert.
I think I'm giving up now. I've been holding on to this app for about a year and a half or 2 years, I've lost count. I think bliss is gone forever and her stories are the only reason I use web novel. goodbye, y'all .
still here, still supporting bliss, still loving this story 💛
awesome to see you online!! I am relieved you're still with us 💛💛💛
Still thinking and worrying for you every day, Bliss. 💛
I'm worried something happed to Bliss or something major happened in her life for her to drop the book like this. I hope she's okay, and not for the book's sake but for Bliss' sake. Please be okay.
I'm worried, too
thanks for the update
I miss this story 💔 no rush, Bliss. not trying to pressure you to put out chapters if you're not ready! I hope everything is okay with you. happy weekend, y'all!
dont mind me, I'm just creeping in here to re-read the latest chapters to get my fix in til the next ones get released 🤣