finally someone who adressed my problem with agility stats🙏
You're telling me that 'slave 1' wasn't taken? I love your story but in a world with billions of future players with some even capable of owning thousands of AI npc's this feature is kind of ridiculous. Even modern games with a maximum of a couple tens of millions of players have # features. C'mon man/girl/whatever-pronoun-you-prefer
Ok i've read through this a solid 5 times already and honestly i've got no clue on how to interpret this. Anyone willing to give me a couple pointers?
i mean it's rarely any mass at all but it is still mass no?
I'm by no means a physicist but isn't energy = mass * the speed of light squared? or in other words (e/c**2) = mass. aka energy has mass?
Writing quality: if we're talking grammar then it's fine. Stability of updates: picked this up like 1 hour ago so i wouldn't know. Story development: went to like chapter 11 so also wouldn't know. Character design and World Background: Not only is this guy the best assasin in the world, apparantly he is able to create human like AI and memorise it's entire code which apparantly took him hours to write (after memorization mind you). Did this guy also cure cancer while having sex with every mother in his city? He, a full-time assasin, is able to create a code so complex that it simulates the human mind, which will take hundreds of thousands, if not millions of lines of code, make it reach human level responsiveness and apparantly before any other organization on earth has. Even without faktoring in the impossibility of him arriving at this code before anyone else, even the mere computing power of such a program would require understanding of quantum physics decades or even centuries beyond the collective knowledge of the entire humankind on the topic. I hate to be a party pooper but god damn does this plot point annoy me. You don't have to write your character as the second coming of christ.
The consistency on which your world operates is one of its main strengths. Even if jake gets "nerfed" its consistent with the rules you have set so far. It would be more annoying if, like many other novels on this site, jake would automatically be the one with the most potential and best among his generation on the scale of THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE. All in all i think you should continue with creating your vision without changing it based on fan feedback you disagree with
Also, dont bother responding with something like " that's just your oppinion". Even if that is true- the fact that you think this cliche isnt actively making novels worse makes me completely uninterested in any of yours.
As much as i would prefer that ruby just died I cant imagine the author insisting on this plotline for no reason. Just some food for thought
This is possibly the most entertaining novel i've read. This and 'I hate systems' are probably the only reason i visit this website full of one-dimensional characters, ill thought through plot points, painfully cringy cliches where every story is "this other story but with a twist!" It's a genuenly amazing read and, as someone who briefly tried to write my own story, gives me the same feeling i get when comparing myself to the author behind lord of the mysteries. It starts off slow and gets really good from the second ordeal and onwards, but thats not to say that the earlier content failed to entertain. This novel deserves more attention.