Didn't Noir Create a Skill or Modify the LP Conversion so he could convert Gold into LP? If so, Infinite LP?
Nothing... It's not like he's the only hunter around right?
Probably because the author is putting it off until twilight becomes one.
Is this a comic thing? Not gonna lie I haven't touched a single MLP comic so if someone could spare a second to educate a comic noob I'd be extremely grateful.
Hot garbage don't read! This story is over rated as hell, it doesn't even deserve a 1/5 tbh. The use of AOE is poor, the main character lacks even an iota of creativity. Well it goes to show an MC is only as smart as the author who wrote them.
Instead of that strange statement you could say that when he eats food he creates he either gains back what he energy he spent crerating it therefor it would be pointless creating food or he looses energy because he also creates the packaging the food comes in.
How's he gonna buy it or rent it? He's four for petes sake! Just make him live in the trunk, all he has to do is find a safe place to store it while he's inside and he'll be in the clear.
Why steal the cloak of invisibilty but replicate the map?
Fair enough but why would he leave a glowing green egg behind for 3 foals and a dragon to find? Seems like something Starfall would want contained or to see how the dragon fire potion bomb has changed the phoenix egg.
Well that sucks, probably done because Author lacks creativity in regards to rewards.