i hunger
does that the card your refering to... check your naming dude...
yeah cool thinking of aquaring like that... but i always thought that since gyarados is part flying it could hover on ground... is it just me or anybody else thought so?... hahaha... i had that thought in my head since i was a kid. hahaha
I believe this is a custom card... I'm a great fan of Master Endymion... makes me think how mc's deck build will be like with so many themed cards... since its too broad right now...
yeah this sounds apt for 3 thunder dragons... ahead of its time thou cool non the less... this card came later when TD's got more support. I like it...hahaha
It happens to all of us man... no biggie... its what makes it fun and gives us room to improve... hahaha...
can.t un seee...
why wouldn't they be?! one moment your a dude the next your chick?! no dude in their right tickers would enjoy that! I mean no disrespect to the female persuasion. I think you'all martyrs especially my moma... who is by the way listening to this story cause she's 76 and can't read no more... she thinks it's some new soaps and thinks its just like wrestling ... thanks Steve for sending moma this Alexa. JK
wow gender confusion on high!
level gained move by scizors