Nom Nom on da good books
Ignore my last comment, I need sleep. Got two comments mixed up. That was a weather forecast that just had bad editing. No, someone didn’t edit it afterwards, that was the real weather forecast.
Cliché can be done badly and cringy, or it can be done well and hit home. This was part of the later, especially since you acknowledged it in a flowing way that keeps with the story.
He took a phosphorus round to the face and still got his mark right? And then lived a full life?
That’s not entirely true, isn’t there a sorcerer who can only use/is a natural with reverse curse technique and can barely fight?
You really can’t go wrong with having a murder hobo best friend!
True, but this worm mostly added that as a side Tid-bit. 666 is the mark of the beast of the apocalypse and is a common mockery(? Symbol?) the dead use in European and North American regions as those are some of the few highest Catholic/Jewish regions. 333 is the straight up mocking of the holy trinity in almost all regions (there are a few this worm is unsure about). This worm also stated that the number 4 is unlucky in Japan based on the fact its pronunciation is similar to the word for death in Japanese.
So long as it doesn’t fly, this worm will pet the roach
You need to be put down like the rabid dog you are 😅😅