A hobby writer and a student.
I think I worded it a bit wrong, It's not that thick of a paragraph but it feels thick. There are a lot of commas that extend some sentences unessisarily.
This is a beautiful novel. Not in the sense that it's fairytales and rainbows but in how well it brings the characters to life. The trauma and the tragedy feel so real and give's it another level of depth. Very well done!
This novel is really good! It has an interesting MC and a plot that has a lot of potential. There's not much I can say besides it being a really well-written and well-paced story!
It's a pretty fun read, no major issues but the paragraphs are really thick. The characters also sometimes feel off but not downright bad. Overall this is a pretty good read with good quality writing!
Gidderon not Giddeon!
My biggest issue with this story is the grammar, spacing and such. The review by Giddeon basica say all. But this story is very charming, I can see the type of story this is going to be and if its quality gets better then we have a very good fantasy adventure!
While vampire stories are not my favorite or even prefered genre, the story is quite good and very intriguing. There are some small granmar issues and the dialogue sometimes feels forced and unnatural. But its nothing granmarly cant fix. The flow of the story is really good and I can already imagine the epic adventure about to happen!