

2019-04-18 入りましたGlobal







  • Nathanielornsby
    に返信 THE_GreatRed

    You must be thinking of the Kryptonian-Magi's. They were rejected by the rest of Krypton and hunted to extinction.

    The war had begun and instead of hiding, we were now in full-on confrontation. Kronos hadn't shown himself on the battlefield yet, since he didn't take us seriously. The disappearance of his wife is not something that scares him. Rhea stays on Crete or moves to not be captured again. She doesn't really interest me that much. No matter what her divinity is, I am not going to have feelings for her as my mother, just because she gave birth to me. I am thankful to her, but that is enough from my side. 
    Competent Poseidon
    アニメ·コミックス · DaoistqZxYMH
  • Nathanielornsby
    に返信 Yoboiduggy

    They were old gods, the new gods would be people like Darkseid and Metramone.

    I only recently found out that we are considered 'New Gods' in this universe. We were created by something called the "Godwave" emanating from the Source that swept through the universe when the Old Gods died and the Fourth World was born. And right now, we are five billion years before modern times. Which gives me more than enough time to do anything I want, plan for upcoming events and have some children ... if I want.
    Competent Poseidon
    アニメ·コミックス · DaoistqZxYMH
  • Nathanielornsby
    に返信 Lunarian_King

    with no consent too

    "My baby boy!!", I hear Mother shout and run towards me. In a heartbeat, she has me in her embrace and plants kisses all over my face. I can't blame her ... I'm ravishingly hot. Although that might sound weird as she is my mother, but its really not. I mean Rhea married her brother so, there is no such thing as incest. Morals are different if you're a god. 
    Competent Poseidon
    アニメ·コミックス · DaoistqZxYMH
  • Nathanielornsby
    に返信 Juhiko

    Right, like she's just showing you affection because you're her son, but you're taking it as a sign of lust?? bro has an ego the size of the oceans and you want us to believe he'll be competent? 😭

    "My baby boy!!", I hear Mother shout and run towards me. In a heartbeat, she has me in her embrace and plants kisses all over my face. I can't blame her ... I'm ravishingly hot. Although that might sound weird as she is my mother, but its really not. I mean Rhea married her brother so, there is no such thing as incest. Morals are different if you're a god. 
    Competent Poseidon
    アニメ·コミックス · DaoistqZxYMH
  • Nathanielornsby
    に返信 Kami12

    They seem more interested in Anime at the moment, so I doubt we'd see anything like that.

    So I start to use another pool of inspiration for this reason. There is one person who uses the power of vibrations or 'quakes' in anime and manga. And that person is the Pirate Edward Newgate or Whitebeard from One Piece. 
    Competent Poseidon
    アニメ·コミックス · DaoistqZxYMH
  • Nathanielornsby

    Why would you give them all swords? make weapons more personal to them and train them in it, like a a war scythe for Demeter, a sceptre for hades, a trident for yourself, a staff for hestia and Hera was known to have a staff but her real weapon was her magic and intelligence.

    She is a proud and arrogant woman, but that's alright. Not like she has any reason to be arrogant, but that is none of my concern. I still taught her some fighting techniques and created swords for us to train by forming a construct out of stomach acid. I had to separate the acidic part from the fluid, to have Hera be able to grab it and use it like a sword. She is a rather skilled fighter, but that is to be expected from a goddess. Still, the compliments I gave her were well received and Demeter in her competitive way also wanted to learn and not be left behind. 
    Competent Poseidon
    アニメ·コミックス · DaoistqZxYMH
  • Nathanielornsby
    に返信 Juhiko

    Actually I think he's more likely to change cannon then, because he'd have no idea what is what, so he can't twist it to stay the same or work for him.

    "You may keep your memories, since you're right, losing your memories is like dying as you are no longer yourself. But in turn, I will take away your knowledge about the Greek Pantheon and the world you are going to. You will still keep most of the 'meta-knowledge' as it is called, but not for that world. How does that sound?"
    Competent Poseidon
    アニメ·コミックス · DaoistqZxYMH
  • Nathanielornsby
    に返信 Aaron_Chong_6689

    Ahhh I see, thank you.

    Electrokinesis: Allows you to manipulate electricity, with sub-par standards.
    Nano-Machine (DC X INVINCIBLE)
    アニメ·コミックス · Aaron_Chong_6689
  • Nathanielornsby

    says the guy who maxed out Crucio

    His scaring tactic was working. Torturing someone was not really his style, but if it was worth it, he would do it. And being able to recruit more skin changers was worth it. They were the perfect people to build a spy network with and to become the scouts for his forces. An advantage no lord in Westeros had.
    Harry's Multiversal Journey
    書籍·文学 · SenseiCaffeine
  • Nathanielornsby
    に返信 Gurnoor_Singh_4533

    I mean it adds character, Lisa is the only one he's been close to throughout his entire life, if he just straight up forgot about her, then that would suck and would just ruin any character progress the author has done.

    Leaving Lisa really was hitting him much harder than he thought it would. It seemed that, for all the preparing he had done to make his leaving easier, none of it had worked. Even now he felt an immense sense of loss, a gap in his heart where Lisa's presence had once been, and even the knowledge that he would see her during Christmas didn't seem to help.
    Harry Potter: Magical Memories
    映画 · Miguelho
  • Nathanielornsby

    Is there any reason for the rush?? I thought he was going to push his body to the absolute limits before undergoing gene therapy, or did I read that last chapter wrong.

    Electrokinesis: Allows you to manipulate electricity, with sub-par standards.
    Nano-Machine (DC X INVINCIBLE)
    アニメ·コミックス · Aaron_Chong_6689
  • Nathanielornsby
    に返信 Devils_and_angels

    He could warg into one

    Naturally, I agreed, forget the ice zombies, this was a genuine chance for me to learn about whole new civilizations and cultures, the amateur historian within me demanded I agree, not to mention dragons and women, but mostly dragons… as a former respectable chuuni, I could never turn down a shot at having my dragon.
    ASOIAF: Lord of Nature
    書籍·文学 · FitzMagna
  • Nathanielornsby

    Which shouldn't be possible because nothing was said about the dragonballs

    "Frieza... Is he heading to planet Namek now?" When I said those words, Vegeta's expression shifted into one of surprise, 'Great...' I thought. 
    RE: Black-Light
    アニメ·コミックス · Aaron_Chong_6689
  • Nathanielornsby
    に返信 alphaprince0

    Not even that, magic from the DB verse should do it since it's spiritual in nature, where as Ki is purely Physical.

    The two in a sense, opposed one another entirely; However they come from both my body and mind fusing... If I could figure out a way to fuse them, no doubt would I likely lose this nerf I had on myself, and maybe grow stronger...
    RE: Black-Light
    アニメ·コミックス · Aaron_Chong_6689
  • Nathanielornsby

    Of course they've got wizards blood in em, they're decendents of your god father and are your extended family via your grandmother.

    'So they have Wizard Blood. Also the friend of the king. That makes things easier.' Harry mused as he followed the man into a solar. It was simple and straightforward, but had some interesting items.
    Harry's Multiversal Journey
    書籍·文学 · SenseiCaffeine
  • Nathanielornsby

    Bro what??? how deluded is that statement, there are no extremes, you went off that deep end ages ago. 🤣

    But only if one sees the world in extremes.
    Harry's Multiversal Journey
    書籍·文学 · SenseiCaffeine
  • Nathanielornsby

    include bonus traits like "immunity to corruption" and things like that, at level 50 (if that was the half way mark) it would make him fully immune, starting from level 51, it could then extend that immunity to those he teaches until at full level, it makes them immune too

    [ Dark Magic Mastery (Novice) (Passive) Lv. 1: You are a complete beginner in the dark arts, which includes the different dark charms (Jinxes, Hexes, and Curses) but also a multitude of rituals, potions, poisons, and enchantments. ]
    Harry's Multiversal Journey
    書籍·文学 · SenseiCaffeine
  • Nathanielornsby

    How is it weaker may I ask? it's already stronger than Jihans since yours came with an extra dungeon

    The 'ID Create' skill was a massive boon, ensuring the possibility of always having a way to level up and train his skills. Still, it was weaker than the original he remembered from the Manhwa. His skill stated clearly that there were no item drops from it, which was one of the broken effects of the original.
    Harry's Multiversal Journey
    書籍·文学 · SenseiCaffeine
  • Nathanielornsby

    that checks out, harry potter wasn't magically powerful in the books or the movie.

    'Hopefully, this cave system won't be too large. I wonder how many Inferius there are,' Harry thought as he observed his MP. One simple Incendio had cost him 10 MP, almost a fifth of his MP bar.
    Harry's Multiversal Journey
    書籍·文学 · SenseiCaffeine
  • Nathanielornsby
    に返信 Nathanielornsby

    saying that though, I feel like the next line after this, utterly negates my rant, so if that was the case, my apologies.

    Harry himself had no problem using the dark arts right now. They were useful magics. Why wouldn't he use something like a one-hit kill if his life was in danger? He was no longer the original Harry Potter, with those strange moral limitations summarized as Dark Magic = EVIL.
    Harry's Multiversal Journey
    書籍·文学 · SenseiCaffeine