always tired
kenjaku iirc
this has honestly been one of the worst translations so far, if you can, I'd recommend getting a proof reader.
pretty sure it the only limitation was having to kill actual creatures before using the ability, but that wouldn't apply to inorganic materials.
first 6 chapters are available, 7-49 (current with review) are all just advertising a patreon to unlock the rest of the chapters. ...................
was chapter 13 deleted? I just read it but it's gone now
it'd be Hiruzen's office right now
thank you for clarifying, I was also worried it was heading that direction
yeah, it shouldn't even be around yet at this point
ok so im pretty interested in where this is going so please dont drop it .....................,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,..,.,.,,..,.,..,.,.,.,..,.,.,.,.,