I went ahead and re did the edit and holy crap this was a mess. I need to stop doing that kind of thing when I'm tired. thanks for the head's up and it should read much better now.
I didn't know that! Let me fix it!
Thank you so much! It means a lot to have someone following the story this long. The book was very small and with an on demand print. Called 'Baladas Medievais' (Medieval Ballads) in portuguese. I'm 90% sure that it was something that the writers that participated at the time had to order and it was never published on line. But if you find it let me know! I only have a single copy and would love to get a few extras
Her bluff 'worked' in the sense that it made the Humans have to stop and redo their planning with those kinds of things. They were still gearing up to start that again, but the new idea wasn't ready to be implimented.
There is a reason why Daskka didn't mention it.
I nerver thought about that, but Hera is an awesome name for a motorcycle lol
Oh I'm sorry about that, this one was a rough one.
Not 100% she already knew some of the things that were going on but she only became aware of all the mess around the time Hera got lost in Boothudurn.
They try their best, just fail spectacularly
Glad I was able to be a part of it. Happy birthday!