Walk according to the spiritual, transcending the physical. Call what is not as though it were.
Good point. I'll accept that.
flagging a grammatical mistake in case you want to amend it
This should be Mama Wolf, right?
This sounds very true. Even today, when we are experiencing a worldwide shortage of topical antibiotic ointments... sigh.
This has a very miniscule chance of happening. The chance is so small that it is almost impossible. Sperm cells are very sensitive to environmental changes and temperatures, meaning that once outside the body, they don't survive very long at all. Just a few minutes. Diluted in a pool, they wouldn't really get very far - with or without chlorine. Most swimming pools have chlorine which reacts with organic matter and would kill the sperm cells. However, that would depend upon the concentration of unbound chlorine still available in the pool. Nevertheless, doing it unprotected in a pool has a very high chance of pregnancy.
Doesn't beggar's chicken take something like 1 hour to prep and 3 hours to cook at minimum?
Ooh. Someone knows their martial arts and moves. Probably has learnt a martial art before if not done very good research. Well done. Applause.
Technically this saying is a play on the Chinese saying: Speak of Caocao and Caocao arrives. It is the equivalent to the English saying: Speak of the devil and he shall appear. Caocao was a very, very talented but super scary prime minister from the time of the Three Kingdoms period in China. He's a very, very famous historical figure, as you've probably guessed since he had a whole saying named after him. You can read about him in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms (which could probably be considered romantasised history - ie history written in such a way to make is sound cooler than it was. Romance of the Three Kingdoms is an old Chinese classic, but reading the English translation isn't easy due to it being translated from the older, more classical Chinese. The Chinese isn't easy to read either. It's harder than reading Old King James English or the Tolkien's books - those are easy in comparison. Recommend finding a dumbed down version for kids to read for easier consumption), but he was a real person in history. During his time, there were also very many other super genius and famous contemporaries in literature, philosophy, military tactics and strategies and so on. In Wikipedia, they called him a military dictator, which is about right. I suppose some people likened him to the devil for his ruthlessness, his ability in tactics, strategy and for turning up unexpectedly. Besides the military stuff, he was also a famous scholar well versed in literature and stuff. He also wrote some famous poetry and so on. In short, he was a super scary super genius who was good at nearly everything.
Just helping point out the edits you missed. Split -> split Never thought I'd get to read a story based on home. Good going 👍