this doesn't just affect resistance it makes them stronger when fighting he should have gotten boosts
i think they say their travel speed is the same as combat speed
what u sound like rn
for the same reason they did in cannon? its a lot better for repopulation which is their goal
just make most of them them friends with benefits and keep a couple per world
is doreah going to be a constant character? if so i vote her to look like jenna ortega, aubrey plaza, or the streamer valkyrae
id say dont focus a crazy amount on pure power and think of ways that they can combine good whether its the character or the power systems he gets, and if you are questioning abt what templates to use but want to push the story forward u can think of items, summons, powers or generally anything as its a gotcha. what are the chances that u use recommendations or make pulls from them?
just post the power level u want suggestions for in the next chapter or do u need more recommendations for people who can synergies? it rlly depends on what route u want to go down like martial arts, magic, everything id personality recommend eveything but start with medium lv people on each "class" so you are not power leveling too fast unless u dont care cuz this could be focused on character interactions more like have him interact with the gods like different pantheons, the endless, angels ontop of his normal hero villain interactions or fights. id spend time recommending stuff but u prolly wont see it most of the time or u have other ideas but i have hopes for this as its good so far beyond questionable power lv things. also try and keep him at his strength and not have things happen that question why hes not decimating a human lv person if u want the fight to continue for some time explain how mc is just playing around or sum. if u have any questions or opinions just comment under one of my comments and ill prolly respond pretty fast im not the best for emotional stuff cuz i dont feel much but from a logical standpoint I should be ok
ive been talking abt people competent in their fighting style not a noob whos just starting out so yes urs are easier to learn but the ones im talkin abt are better over all, and i think ur overestimating the speed of a boxer its not like they are exponentially better then other fighters and it depends on the type of boxer any person can learn to strike fast
id say first world should be invincible if he gets alex mercer which it seems like it but ill list off some manhwa that i can think of off the top of my head which isnt much god of highschool, is prolly the best one even if its not soon nano machine, wouldn't be bad cuz cultivation and mc can take the nano machine which would prolly synergies with alex mercer and make all other templates way better your talent is mine, simply cuz of mcs main Ability to copy others talents (wish it had better update speed) transcension academy, i dont think its a good world to go to but i like the concept of communicating between gods and can open some cool plots a modern man who got transmigrated to murim, again not the best world but good for a short stop cuz he can go to the cave where the one dude became a god and learn from there prolly best done after a few world hops ill be taking a break for personal reasons, i like how its done and can be combined with transcension academy to where he becomes a god of whatever he/u choose its hard to think of good manhwa cuz sometimes the story is good but the world rlly isnt for fic stuff or they are too low lv i might think of some others and comment under this i might put manhuas aswell but they are basically the same