

2019-02-17 入りましたUnited States







  • imjustthtguy

    Honestly the story is really good except the MC he has 0 things about him that interest me the way he feels about everything he does in his first life is how I feel about him he’s boring AF and just naive…mind you he’s actually suppose to be smart AF and things come easy to him so the fact that he can know earth history experience what he went through in his first like for 20+ years and then be told by literal god what he was getting into and then just be so shocked when shit goes to hell is beyond me honestly. Just make him dumb from the start at least that would be consistent with him.. also has no self control even after living 30+ years in both lives and treats people just as badly as anyone he complains against both first and second life hes kind of a piece shit honestly and ruins the story haha my favorite is when he’s being tortured and honestly I kinda think based off his actions after he escaped throughout that he should have just been tortured more i would have been more amused. If this wasn’t free for 24 hours I wouldn’t recommend wasting money on it

    Reincarnation Tribulation - All I Want Is A Peaceful Isekai Life
    ファンタジー · Aimdaqs
  • imjustthtguy

    So my reason for stopping this book is probably not why others would stop reading it and honestly I only made it to about chapter 45 but here’s my take… first the things I like: the first few chapters really drew me in there was a little humor making fun of other novels and cliches along with a decent sense of mystery making me look forward to what was going to happen. I like that the power system off the bat wasn’t the same thing I’ve read a million times. Although a little slow to start you can kind of see the MC struggle with him not actually being the son and instead an invader to this family even if it’s not his choice.. the few battles that we see are decently well written and not to over the top… heres where the book lost me and maybe for some of you this isn’t an issue.. very quickly we find out the MC can,is ,and mostly likely will be in the future unable to control himself and I mean literally someone badically takes over his body and I’m completely uninterested in an MC that may or may not lose his free will or ability to control himself in any form complete turn off now anytime I’m reading I will foreve wonder when it’s gonna happen again and be just as uninterested

    ファンタジー · GoldenStache
  • imjustthtguy
    に返信 Vaylen

    Sometimes people just want a fairly one dimensional character with no depth to them in the least and lots of killing

    Born in Blood
    ファンタジー · CovidCandy
  • imjustthtguy
    に返信 Angel_Monzon_8803

    Wait he’s still not at this level alll the way at this point?!? Jesus how slow is it??

    Born in Blood
    ファンタジー · CovidCandy
  • imjustthtguy
    に返信 GoldenStache

    What novel is it??

    The Godly Demon System
    ファンタジー · KhyaaL
  • imjustthtguy

    First off I’m a little over 100 pages and Honestly I wanna give this book a good review overall since the world and powers ae pretty interesting and the characters aren’t so bad but it’s just childish most of the time… everyone in the story is pretty serious but the MC is just childish and I get he’s a child but still other children are out here threatening to slaughter his entire family beaten the hell out of people and ready to kill and somehow the MC can stop all problem with a friendly duel as if all of a sudden everyone becomes completely reasonable but only with him.. he is basically a walking contradiction he doesn’t want to be notice but stands out every single chance he gets pick one author..there’s basically never any true threat ever up to this point except maybe 2 times which is odd for a world full of fantasy and fighting.

    Rebirth Of The Strongest Worldsmith
    ファンタジー · WriterTheos
  • imjustthtguy

    Ok this is both a semi review after the first 50 pages and half question…. When does the MC stop acting the way he does????? Basically I like the way this world so far is laid out the system is actually pretty interesting and so are the MCs power however the Mc is annoying at badically every turn he not only acts like a cry baby but also a poorly brat… not only is this extremely off putting but the way the author set things up the Mc has no reason to have any of these qualities except maybe a little fear and no knowledge of fighting would make sense… for those who haven’t gotten there or wish to disagree the whole premise is that this entire world or part of the universe have to deal with these ungodly beings fighting and the constant fear of death the Mc having no powers and living on his own isolated for 10 years until 18 should have idk the ability to make decisions for himself not act like a cry baby and not throw tantrums like a child ot spoiled kid but every second he either throws a tantrum because everyone won’t think for him plan for him doesnt wish to listen to anything and I general has know self knowledge at all even basic stuff eludes him there’s basically whole chapter that could have been cut if he just listened for 5 seconds about his skills instead of acting like a 5 year old when he’s 18… does any of this change do I have to get 100 pages in before he acts anything like his age???

    The Godly Demon System
    ファンタジー · KhyaaL
  • imjustthtguy

    Ok this book is an alright read if you have nothing else but honestly idk why everyone says it’s super good. The worlds decently interesting and the pocket dimension parts are alright but even that being the name it’s a small part of the actual story as in the time you see him in there and when you do it’s basically not fleshed out very much… everything else is forced and either cliche or just falls short of funny for me… some people might like those generic cliches but when everything becomes one it takes away from the story nothing at all ever feels remotely worthwhile….the MC has a generic personality putting it nicely and no personality if it’s stated honestly while he seems like a happy go lucky guy that’s it there’s no dimension to him at all… there’ a million classic tropes and cliche situations that just don’t need to be here to make it an interesting story if he had any sort of personality besides letting people treat him like a total idiot and only caring about food I could maybe get behind him… badically if you just wanna read a light generic story it’s alright but anything beyond that this story doesn’t offer it

    Pocket Hunting Dimension
    東方 · Blue Sky Washing Rain
  • imjustthtguy

    Honestly if you have nothing to read it’s a decent book but but it has the one issue a lot of these books have the lack of creativity for the Mc… to be honestly I truly cannot fathom why these authors create such an epic world with all sorts of powers and abilities and the MC always comes down to I wanna hit shit really hard and fast every battle is basically run really faster hit really hard until it breaks which is alright I guess but kinda boring in opinion…

    My Genes Can Evolve Limitlessly
    東方 · Blue Sky Washing Rain
  • imjustthtguy

    Ok since everyone here just wants to praise this book without any criticism allow me… while the writing is truly good and the story fairly interesting the biggest issue is the lack of any choice the Mc has in literally every scenario he had virtually no freedom to speak of wether it’s these called system forcing him to do things he clearly doesn’t want to or the dumb situations he can’t do anything for himself it seems like a bunch of stuff just thrown in the moment you think he may go about things on his own just to say nah you my Ma have to do whatever you don’t want I have yet to feel like I’m reading a book about a person and not some slave for lack of a better term hope it changes but if by the whole free day this book is out it’s a total drop for me.

    The Rise Of A Shadowsmith
    ファンタジー · AkshatArpit
  • imjustthtguy

    Basically immediateeverything is generic from the start. Cliche begining cliche random insults from people and the mc seems just a dumb as others nothing unique at all

    Beastmastering: The Best Master Ever!
    東方 · Milk Bottle Huge
  • imjustthtguy

    Ok there’s 2 major issues in this book that I know for a fact a lot of readers drop books for so if you can’ t get past these there’s no point reading this book.. First is the system basically making the character a slave it will do whatever it wants and will punish the Mc if he doesn’t listen this is a hard no for a lot of people.. especially considering the fact that if the Mc wanted to in this book he could actually threaten the system in this book… but that’s on you if your ok with the Mc having basically no choice over any of his actions in the future… The second major issue is the ungodly amount of grammatical errors…. These range from mistakes in states misspelled words and straight up forgetting which book the autho is even writing since his MCs names certainly get mixed up… Now if those don’t make you wanna drop the book then yes it’ an alright read if you have some free time I would man however reccomend reading it unless it’s on the daily free books since the author hasn’t put in nearly enough effort for anything else

    ファンタジー · Debasish_padhi
  • imjustthtguy

    To whoever is starting this story don’ believe the other comments about this being a book with 2 protagonist is literally a book with 1 guy stuck in a dimension by himself with no contact to any other characters in this book after page like 5 for as far as I’m up to at least 75 pages… leons entire story so far can be summed up in almost got killed then training montage the entire time nothing else… but Liam’s story seems to develop really well so there’ that I guesss… if it wasn’ for the absolutely garbage training of Leon I just want him out of the book at this point or actually to have character interactions with him

    ファンタジー · Debasish_padhi
  • imjustthtguy
    に返信 Ghost_Playing

    Truly thankful you mentions this I was looking for comments about how this books progression was going to be after the first 100 and this decided it thank you!

    The Founder of Qi Cultivation, Reincarnates?
    東方 · TSETTH
  • imjustthtguy
    に返信 animeanything

    This was literally my question and I guess no one answered it so does he never start doing stuff or just always hide the whole book????

    The Founder of Qi Cultivation, Reincarnates?
    東方 · TSETTH
  • imjustthtguy
    に返信 Anime_End

    Thanks for the heads up

    ファンタジー · Debasish_padhi
  • imjustthtguy
    に返信 glacer_blade

    Soooooo if the Mc a guy who makes mistakes and learns or an idiot???? I can deal with mistakes as long as I feel the mc if growing

    Second World
    ゲーム · UnrivaledArcaner
  • imjustthtguy

    Honestly couldn’t really make it to the good parts people are talking about but I guess 100 pages isn’t enough to get interested. So 100 pages in which should be enough to establish a basic background and get me interested this did one really well and lost me on the other. The world itself is pretty detailed as they lay it out and there’s lots of character building. But everything just takes way to long just simply leaving to go somewhere is at least 3-6 pages just discerning leaving or moving in or anything else mundane gets dragged out for way longer then truthfully needs. There’ also just not direction or anything to make me feel for this Mc he has no goals partially because basically no time passes in 100 pages his personality outside of a serious fight leaves much to want the side characters are the real interesting part so far and The Whole spirit training is just barely starting after all this time

    Spirit Immortal
    東方 · Linodo
  • imjustthtguy
    に返信 Saint_Locus

    60!is way to long to cripple a man you can progress a story without cripple your MC mupltiple times and while you say it sets up the story in all honesty it just show me that the author couldn’t write progress in a better way so he cripples the Mc to progress especially if it’s a couple hundred pages in

    Grand Ancestral Bloodlines
    アクション · Awespec
  • imjustthtguy

    So after 700+ pages I liked everything about this book the history is nice the outside characters are interesting the power system is pretty good but I find myself liking everything except the fact the MC just makes the same mistakes to progress the story instead of anything really happening… examples can include always underestimating his enemy and the same exact people over and over again… him never training and then acting like it’a his talent at fault and not the fact that he run around the world from the start…. He always thinks things through whenever nothing is going on but anytime somthing happens he purposely makes the worst choice that ends up badly seemingly because it’s needed for the plot… I would like to state that while this character 700+ is I believe 17 by now this is a world where both parents have died one in front. He goes to a magical academy has multiple life and death battles numerous people advising and warning that he is alive by luck and yet his character truly hasn’t changed where it actually matters ya know where lives are at stake.. and the cliche that always happens in the story is he can never explain anything to anyone about anything even the simplest of stuff that is all

    Earth's Greatest Magus
    ファンタジー · Avan