I like reading webnovels. That is all.
Thank you for reading my little fanfic! It was the first piece of writing I ever did so I'm happy you enjoyed it
I've been considering rewriting it after I'm done with my current Naruto fanfic. But I'll see. I basically have the whole outline for this fanfic planned out in my head and there are so many awesome moments I wish I got to. Maybe someday I'll do it, either that or I'll write an original story based on this scenario.
Also thank you for the review! I'm really happy to see so much emotion for the story. If anything, I'll try to get something out sooner because of you! 😁
I'm sorryyyyy my job's been brutal this month because we're pushing for results 😭 I'll do my best to get something out as soon as possible. I'm just so tired whenever I get home and I just don't feel like writing because I know it'll be mediocre... I don't plan on dropping the FF because I still have so much I wanna do with the story so don't worry. It'll continue. I just need time to get my sh*t together 😅😁
Glad to see you enjoyed reading! 😁😊
Thank you for the review! It's actually 1 chapter per week because I'm taking a break at the moment 😅 I usually upload once per day. Kinda dealing with some important stuff IRL recently so I haven't had the time to focus on this fanfic as much. I'll get back to it soon though!
What Sharingan?
Thank you! I'm glad to hear you're enjoying it. And yeah, maybe I should've made it start a bit sooner. Not entirely sure.
Thank you for reading it !😁😊