love written light novels
excellent story with all the ups and downs that a good story should have
just wait until you realizes that Alec is now at tier five mage that can take on tier 6 enemies
I can't wait for the tables to turn and they request Alex for his help and he goes to the point of defending his people but not defending all people
I can't wait for Alec too Go full super Saiyan mode here and prove that he never used his full powers in any of the battles
now here's the first thing that Carl's going to do with that scale and unfortunately hawk will have to give it up is that with that he'll be able to continue his advance to probably above the totem rank and keep going and the fact that this was a system quest quote on quote? made that infinitely better for car unfortunately it also means that he's going to be more powerful now
just add a bit of funny one of the beasts should come and say well you still are a freshman
also for the experience a sheepdog size door please don't do it please don't give them don't give them size change please don't do it it would be too funny to have a monarch ranked thundershero sheepdog size batting away huge enemies please don't it would be too funny please don't do it
I'm guessing he's doing it for simplicity's sake because adding the words written in a book or written somewhere or there we all know that she's deaf but until he says that oh hey she learned a skill that allows her to speak I'm just going to assume that she's writing in a book or something
soon I'll be making my own concept art for car of the badger if we don't get one soon cuz I'm feeling badgery