are they any more ??
I will search and put in the next chapters
I decided to put a villain
why I put the minecraft system
calm will come out in chapter 5
this is my name
vlw pelo comentário, eu não tinha pensado nisso estava sem ideia
a guy goes back to the past with knowledge of characters from other universes ///// he will have more power in the future and create interesting thing ////// I came back I just finished my tcc you want to know just reading thanks
Reincarnate in the 100 series with two wishes, 1 leader skill 2 hunter skill just reading to know more 1 chapter per week
i'm brazilian so i'm using the translatora ///////guy goes to Serie Os 100 with some orders//////////////// launch of chapters, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
a young man travels the supernatural world //// starting with the supernatural series; second world teen wolf/////// i'm brazilian, so i'm using a translator/////launch Tuesday and Thursday
A young man reincarnates in Naruto with 3 wishes being them Akashi Seijuro's eyes Deadpool regeneration and the skills of Kyle xy one per day
a teenager goês into the supernatural, being a human and reaper hybrid I hope you enjoy//////////launch of chapters, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
Sou Brasileiro ////// Estarei escrevendo em português ////// espero que goste/////// um adolescente entra em sobrenatural com desejos /////// lançamento de capítulos, segunda, terça, quarta e quinta