WORST ENDING EVER! Don't read it if you hate bad ending. I'm so mad at myself for not checking the reviews first. I regret reading this. Good luck to y'all
More like God blessed you with a wise personality. If the king was arrogant to the no name library sweeper, not only would the king die, the king would also lose a very powerful backer.
There is, it's something like this. Similar concept with "spin the bottle(?)" game
this gotta be the worst assassin I've ever seen
where's [Curse of Slowness]?
boy, with that miniscule amount of vitality of yours, you should know that you're on a suicide mission
I know right, I wonder why too. many because you're an idiot?
A room is big enough to store the important part of the beast. The rest, he don't need that, why sell if he can absorb it. So yeah, it is by no means "only" the size of a room. It's plenty of space for him.
This kid is really talking like he has the same standing as before. Honey, your so called people wouldn't even last against a pack of 50 direwolves. Like wake up bish, you don't have anymore people, you're the people of Lont now, even your little sister knows better than you
this comment ain't it man