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Don't You Worry My Lõvë : I've Got You[BL]

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you read - " The enemy of my enemy is my friend. " ..... ..... —Bullshit ; ) Well My story starts with such a mysterious yet simple proverb. Ariel Ryang, The sole heir to the 'Ryang Conglomerate' had been raised in a family where they give more importance to love than money, manners than arrogance, compassion than viciousness but this does not mean they will leave anyone who tried to harm their family. A family which got powerful and more ruthless with each passing generation making them the Echleon in the societies. What will happen when suddenly one night they got a call from police station informing that the parents of 6 year old boy were found death in an accident Will you believe that reason found behind was as unreasonable as writing an essay in school. ...... Bo Zihan, A happy-go-lucky guy who only knows how to help others in whatever way he can. But wait a second : Are we missing something? Always Remember it is not necessary that everything we see is always 'The Truth'. ...... They met when they were in Business School, both determined to achieve their goal. Will these gentlemen by any chance can develop other feelings other than being committed to professionalism? .... [Peek-a-boo] I know it's you, Zihan...I can never make a mistake in identifying you", he confidently said to the man standing ahead. The man who was standing at a distance turned around, "What are you saying Mister? " I can understand that you have misunderstood me for someone else but this does not mean you can forcibly kidnap someone in the middle of the night. His usual groggy voice was faltering when he angrily stomp forward towards Ariel, making it sound like a angry yet soft voice.... like someone has fit a mike near it's Adam apple which was broken causing of two voices switching between. This made him grew suspicious. The man who was standing near him started sweating and nervously took a step back and turn around for an immediate escape but it quite seems like someone was al-ready to catch the falling prey. With one swift movement he was able to grab his hand and pulled him into himself with so much force that Zihan didn't got the chance to noticed what is happening and before he could do something he was already trapped between the strong arms of certain someone and then he heard him. A voice that he had been dying to be hear in these past 6 years. "I'm crazy enough for you, but don't tempt me further Zi-han, his voice was so deep that Bo Zihan couldn't take it. All the memories came flooding back in his mind. The way his name was reverberating in his ears sending chills throughout his body was a predominant indication. He can sense the pain and suffering from his voice but... "Not now....not yet Zihan this is not the time, " He kept reminding himself about his real motto to keep himself sane because if he didn't escape now there is no tomorrow... In hell he would let him go... He immediately started struggling like fish, anyhow to get out of his grip. But he didn't let him. Inhaling his scent he tighten his hold 10 times harder with both the hands wrap around him as if he was scared to loose this grip even an inch making him hissed in pain. Hearing his hissing voice bring him back to his real self, returning to his usual cold self. He continued ,"To make me lock you up and keep you only and only for me." Don't make me do it, Zi-han...... .... Hello Guys, First of all there is a major warning that this is a BL story those who doesn't like to read such stories they can skip to another story but I really want to you give a chance to this story and even if you don't like then you can leave it. Thank you guys... love ya.

Willy_33 · LGBT+
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16 Chs

Thè Glóry ōf Lòvë

Why always boys possess such qualities like dominance, rudeness and cruelty...... This were thought of a naive little girl who always wanted to be equal or even say dominant with the people she walk through life... The World she lived in was like a fantasy to her until a man she fell in love walk past through without even taking a glimpse of her..... Lily Lan, after having surreal, agonizing and painful relationship, she swear to herself that she would not.. be in a relationship again ....and tried every possible ways to avoid paths that lead to that end and for this she really make all the planning and flew herself from her family's grasp but... I guess fate is a cruel bitch , no can escape from her....eventually she end up crossing path with him.... #adangerousone......but in all these mess as if there are some mysterious force that by planning and plotting ties them together. Alexander Volks, A reputed businessman and grandson of the one of the oldest elder in the Capita City. He is known for being ruthless, vicious and the most Dangerous man in world with dangerous qualities...... A coin has two sides despite being one.... The other side was only for her to known..... ~Flashback~ In the park..... "look he is here as always waiting for that bitch ", one of the girls whispered and ran towards him in order to get attention of him. " Alex, alex.....hii.... hi..... will you friend be to us... one of the girl came forward and said bIuntly, "I love you...will you be my boyfriend......this makes a loud flurry... girls were going crazy on hearing her claim and lily came in and saw his disgusting expression directed towards the girls and laugh inwardly ,oh my my he surely is sweet candy attracting lot of bees. So here I'm my damsel in distress....she came crashing through the crowd.. and charging toward the girl that claim him as hers ... how dares she! With a deadly look on her face she said,"He's mine,by interwining her hands by his ,my hands are engraved in his and so do his heart encircles mine and I don't like to share what's mine get that clear......",she said as if making declaration to the world and alerting others that he was already taken..... Alexander: ".. " "love,it's something that I can only cry in my heart.its almost like a sin..... ~Lily Lan. "I have always been alone,The only one that can bring warmth into me is, you....~Alexander Volks. How can I close my heart when its already your's.....~unknown ************* " The cover is not mine....... Thanks to Pinterest....and my editing arts (*´∨`*) Hey guys I have just given a short glimpse of there childhood but their is much that is waiting and I have not shown in the synopsis , to know plz stay tuned with the stories.... love you guys....

Willy_33 · Urban
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9 Chs

Young Master's rebel.

Everyone wants to be loved, to be care, to be pamper, to rely on that one special person that is destined to be your mate, who will spend the rest of their life cherishing in being with other's presence, touch, smell, sparks that ignite like a firework that heat up the body with each other's love but in Abel's case it was different........ Abelia Casanova, a determined girl to get what belongs to her, she didn't need someone or a knight in shinning armour to rescue her from this hell,she herself will become successful in this man dominated society Even if this demanded to change herself from woman to man in order to protect her baby sister and to keep the promise......Through her long hardships and struggle;she became the Young master of the business world in Areya kingdom. But there is twist, A twist of fate with everything she earns comes with a price to pay........as twist is all that keeps life exciting....... So when Aurelias shift to main city as a CEO of the logopolis, crashed into this handsomely devilish yet cold and aloofyoung master. Sweets: Abelia:"Do you have someone to called as future wife ,brother Aurelias , she said with a flirtatious tone. Aurelia:he raised an eyebrow while continuing his work in the study," Young master ,why it is sounding like you are asking my hand for marriage". Abel:" You are so handsome brother,why would I loose the chance",a mishievous smile appearing on her face. Suddenly he stand up and pulled her with force that made her head crashed into his shoulder and held tightly against him. Abelia:Ahh....!, and she look up to meet his ocean blue eyes... Aurelias: With a evil smirk on his face, "Implementing my rights as a future husband". " Abelia : "..." Hey guys I really sucks meaningful synopsis, do considered the story and like our MC And ML. #Warning This is not a BL novel....... And this is not a Chinese base story sorry guys the chapters are shuffled but I'm working on it cause it's very hard working on smartphone as I don't have a PC right now

Willy_33 · Urban
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7 Chs