They're servants, so they rely on the magical power of their summoner. Gilgamesh will not be able to use EA at full strength due to not having enough power
I wouldn't go to Fate until my power is enough to destroy the world, after all, Gilgamesh can't use Ea extensively. So he should increase his power until he's more or less untouchable to those in Fate/Zero
Cerealian Dragon Balls don't turn to stone or have a cool down between wishes. They just shoot away and if you can catch them immediately, you can make another wish right after making the first
The MC could revive him when he becomes stronger
The one who has them is not a warrior Namekian.
Granola used them to become the strongest warrior in the universe. So, that wish you said would be a waste
They don't have Psychic birbs? Strange
Who cares? It's not like he tried to hide it before. it wouldn't be difficult to find information on him being a breeder or a researcher
It should already know the move teleport. It learns it at level 30 in the games and in the anime it knows it as well