Can't be humbled due to having excessive ego, not due to being exceptionally great.
Lol. Thank you very much for reading.
Fucking end me. Alright, here’s what’s up. Story is disjointed, busted up, and consistency is questionable. Why? Because I’m a lazy writer who onky writes when inspirstion hits me like a truck. Then I’m left unable to keep writing due to my inability to maintain a decent thought for more thn a minute. All themes this story may have ever had? Ignore em. Fuck em. It’s just raw entertainment and character fctor now. Every chapter from like 1 to 22 was made over the span of like more than 1 year. I don’t remember. Everything after that is slightly better in quality. I can assure like 2 things. One, fights eventually become well enough entertaining. And uhhhhhhhhhh, writing quality gets better.
Definitely an interesting read. i’d suggest it. Not my cup of tea. And I can’t be bothered to get past 3 chapters at the time of review, then again I’ve read a loooooot of novels. Writing quality is relatively decent, with few mistakes. Very creative in description, making super good use of details. Though, the fighting scenes do kinda get a bit goofy. World building is big. Considerably detailed or at least it seems so, I’m not deep enough into it to know. Plot development is definitely intense. Starts off with whole kingdom getting fucked. Kinda odd the Archilles would just… let em live considering how evil he is, and the fact he isn’t more cautious considering he just got attacked. But I get it, story has to happen somehow. Character’s are understandable. That’s all I have to say. First few chapters, the characters you see are basic. But that’s to be expected. And basic doesn’t equate bad. Overall, i can’t say, read more than 3 chapters if you want truth.
Definitely an interesting novel, but ngl, I’ve hit peak burnout on reading novels. So I’mma stop here for now.
Incredible, that’s like… a twentieth of Mike Tysons punch.
The quality of writing is easily higher than the first two chapters of your other work. Neat.
Ayo- say no more!
It’s been so long, I straight up just don’t ’ know what’s going on anymore.
As the author of this novel, I’m gonna have to be a little biased and give myself a five star review, because I’m just that amazing of an author. See those reviews from two years ago? One of them being a bot? Yessssir, they have the right opinion. Heh heh heh heh!