Loves exploring the world of literature...Love writing fantasy, romance and drama novels.
Thank you so much for liking the story. Take care!
Thanks for your support! Keep smiling, stay happy and safe always.
Hahaha, nice one, Carol! How are you? I hope everything is fine at your end. Yeah, we should ship Elva and Luke together, hahaha. I wish I could make a story out of these two, but... The story didn't get much love from the readers. So I have to stop somewhere. Thank you so much for liking the story. Take care and stay safe always!
Thank you very much for the review. Take care and stay safe always.
Thank you for your support! Take care and stay safe always.
I'm still brainstorming... I will start writing tomorrow.
Thank you for reading!
I'm sorry about that... The truth is real life is much more cruel than fiction. I've seen so many people dying around me that never experienced happiness and success in their lives. Alex tasted everything, wealth, love, family and many more for many years. But other people in real life setting died without experiencing any of those things that Alex experience in his life. I even have a relative that is a doctor in a rural community, love by many due to her generosity, kindness and dedication to her job, but she still died of breast cancer. Sad, isn't it? Death comes to anyone at anytime regardless if your status in life. I just included the reality in my story, I'm sorry if I hurt you. I do regretted killing Alex in the story... but did God also regret taking the lives back of those pure innocent kind people, I think not because life in heaven is more beautiful than here. Earth is hell, death is beautiful, it will release you from so many stress in life and heaven is the perfect destination. Just my 2 cents worth of personal opinion.
Hello Shaily... Nice Meeting you! Thanks for your support, I appreciate it very much. Take care and stay safe always.
Wow, I'm impressed with this novel! It's well written, well fleshed out when it comes to character progression. A fantastic novel loaded with suspense, lot of actions and above all the MC's personality is relatable to many. A great roller coaster ride is waiting for the MC, I'm rooting for him. I hope he finds Alison soon! A great read novel. I enjoyed reading it! Keep it up, Author!