I like reading like a lot.
Nah I still linger around on Webnovel so no big deal lol
Nearly strangles her to death and does nothing but yell. Yet has the gall to ask why people would be afraid. Wonderful.
If I remember it was having 8 likes or something like that been awhile so not sure lol
Im so happy I wish my tear ducts worked so I could cry tears of joy. Best December ever
Unintended pun?
I love how this story makes the most sense with the least amount of sense
Literally throwing shade. No need to fear the sun just take a toddlers dirt ball. Loving these quotes
I kind of want to go to a construction site and try this.
So many good quotes in this book that is Perfect to use in college. (No Refunds)
Playing catchup and feeling too many feelings at the same time. Rushing emotions and the english language is hard.