(ノ^_^)ノ ヘ( ̄ω ̄ヘ) (~‾▿‾)~ ヽ(*゚ー゚*)ノ
You know what, at this point I'm just thinking this story reflecting Author's life and believe; like it's a projection what's going on in Author's life: sadness and no joy. This is one of the most tortured MC I have ever read. And Author just doesn't care about our complain coz I've been commenting about same issues since the beginning yet no response 🤷🏻♀️
Hahaha, I don't know if this story was the projection of Author mental state or not, because everything happen so far is far "happy". I have read angst book before, but this novel was the worst coz author keep torture MC lol.
You know when someone has this toxic attachment to something. Yes, this is what exactly happen here with Author and Aria
Yo does this author has masochistic tendency? Even till this point, everyone suffer from sadness lol.
"It"? It's suppose to be "She" right?
Aaaaaaaaa I'm going crazy!! It's finally here everyone. 🤯🥳 After 1748 chapter now we got to the 1st kiss 🥰😘
Noo 😭
How soon???? Aaaaaaaaaa I can't wait 😭😭😭😭😭
Author clearly didn't like the MC: Cane and Iris lol. At this point they still need to suffer just to show how calamitous Decratic is? "Oh she needs to suffer more so she can be phoenix that rises from ashes?" Is author going for the theme of "the world is unfair"?. Wow, just wow. We need to suffer more guys. What's gonna come after Rora is dead (hopefully not, not confirm yet)? Iris has to bear more humiliation from pack members? But in the end, it's not like author gonna hear our complain and wishes lol.