stop the papilio powder auction vis that Guild can't get profit from it........they could do it themselves.
the seventh attack will be 24 times the first attack not this is an AMAZING skill.
The Hubble telescope was launched in 1990..... wizards definitely lack something like that...
Why couldn't game just give the ability of Instant Dungeon or even Mirror Dungeon why even make a Deal with an Alien AI......
is Gamer power a mutant ability ? So does that mean it can be disabled various ways ?
Because he doesn't know.......with his mindset he's gonna say every bit of it once he does know of it......So what's the point of power protecting information about it......if he can just be manipulated to open up or if he is a blabbermouth......which seems like he he isn't considering their intentions......they are simply strangers to him....
Is the Author on Drugs??
maybe he could....considering GOT dragons are created from firewryms
lvl 50 seems too high for lvl 5 more lvl 25-30
With his memory he definitely should have not forgotten names especially Arnim Zola and Pierce.