fixer-merc system is based in trust, doing this ensures that they get no fixers in the future. then again faraday is a fixer-wanabe so who knows how trusting other fixers of him are.
not ikari?
not really how countries spy on companies. they have more power, so they can just be guards on the tech gate, aka datacenters. there, you can't really hide anything there since it's just massive amounts of info coming in and out. all they have to do is record all of said info
if i remember correctly ainz always scouted the destination before commiting to a gate
arr you going to return to this?
why didnt't he try god diffuculty? he still has 2 attempts to upgrade.
ot was said that levelling a character in yggdrasil to max was easy it made so that players would be willing to die and explore the job/race level combination system
is this the guy who runs the channel "a chick named albert" (ik he said cat vids but that man i god's blessing)
wasnt it called noisy cricket?
not the best ending but one that satisfies