lazy.needs ss for CCG
yea usually the first 4 are: qi refining foundation establishment golden core nancet soul ...
i read it as high school dxd lol
ohh sorry man, you just posted so many 5 star reviews that i thought you were a bot😅
i completly forgot about this show 😆
are you a bot?
i think she is right in being angry.she saw a bad situation and wanted to help because "she had the ability too", never mind that she didnt understand the specifics of what happend(maybe the man was a thief or something) but she is a kid, what was wrong on her part is that she imposed her beliefs on atticus.atticus on the other hand acted way worse in my opinion, he dosent have to act in order to help the man but he shouldnt judge someone else for doing a good act(always of course if they have the ability to do so) he could have explaned better why he didnt act, also arya just killed her guard??? i know he was going to attack atticus but arya should have made him unable to attack not strait up kill him(also its weird atticus didnt care at all about senseless killing but ok).tldr:: at the end of the day she was just a kid trying to do a good deed and had her guard killed in front of her(never mind the details).sorry for the rant😅
it always feels weird to read your name in a book😅