I like Jjk and Dune especially, but I guess there are some other stuff I tolerate of its well written
King Von had enough k1lls to get some call of duty scorestreaks...
Instead of outright giving money to Max and Caroline, he could have their business be the main catering for his projects
No country for old men is probably in my top 5 best movies ever
I wish you would say it's the Dystem instead of being nebulous and mysterious. It would make sense for him to be "Savant-like" in anything the System deems an objective or hurdle.
if he picked unlimited funds. How did he write Forest Gump? Just some willy nilly person would not be able to just whip up a complete script no matter how prodigious their penmanship is.
The big Dawgs would AKA the SEC
Lol Falmuth is going through a recession.
Great re-write, in my opinion. It improved upon, and the dialogue is significantly more fluid. Also wanted to say for anyone wondering, this is a cross post from QQ. So if you can't wait, go to QQ for the up to date chapters.
Even if the Jedi forms don't translate to sword to sword combat, do you really think that they can't beat some willy-nilly men at arms. Think about it Jedi or force trained individuals in SW fight against laser shooting people with a melee weapon, just the experience alone would make any a better fighter.