some stuff yeah
even if they were kidnaped recently do you think getting taken somewhere by force and not being sure what is going to happen to you isn't scary.
Mate, I feel you should do more show not tell.
great chapter .
the same reason he doesn't wish for omnipotence, omniscience or any other instant god mod the story has to have some conflict.
Honestly, this line made me drop this story because apparently, the first thing that abused and raped women do is say this not cry or anything like that "I wasn't doing anything before this" you could have made such a huge difference if you had just made them sound even a little traumatized and not just people who are bored.
The story is great the character is fun to read about hope it doesn't get dropped. ,,.,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,....... ~~~~~ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ;,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ;,,.,,,,,,.,,,,,., ,,,,,,