


(방탄소년단)BTS ARMY for life💞😍💜 김태형 (Kim Taehyung) stan😍😍❤️❤️ But loves all the members with all of her heart anyways😁❤️❤️ Want to know me more? Then be my friend!🤗😁

2018-09-09 入りましたCanada







Dancing With The Angel Of Dance

~~Prologue~~ Our MC is a professional makeup artist who was transferred by her company to South Korea, for a special job project a few days after she was promoted. She was both excited and nervous at the same time, but after she found out that the special job, is for her to work for one of the world’s most hottest and most popular K-Pop group named BTS (방탄소년단), her favourite K-POP Group! She couldn’t contain her happiness! Of course she was so honoured and excited about the thought of getting to see them every day and even work for them! After coming home with that wonderful news that she heard, she was literally running, jumping and screaming around her apartment, that even around a thousand mile radius, she was still clearly heard. Not to mention that it was around 12:30 at midnight already. Let’s just say that the next morning she was swarmed by her neighbours. The next morning, she had prepared all the things that she needed to go to Korea. And after 3 days, she along with her boss and co-workers, they head to the airport. After landing in Korea, Xinyu’s heart couldn’t help but tremble with both excitment and fear at the same time. Despite that, she couldn’t wait to meet her most adorable and handsome 7 Kings!! ~~switch POV to First Person~~ Annyeong~~~Kang Xinyu imnida reporting for duty! *salutes* just kidding. Hahaha. Hi everyone! My name’s Kang Xinyu. I’m currently 21 yrs. old. I am half American and Chinese. I love dancing so much, but due to some complications, I wasn’t able to pursue it more. I’m not gonna say that I am extremely good at it, but probably just enough to be able to get recognised for it. Even though I love dancing, I work as a makeup artist. I know I know. A pretty common job huh? Nothing special right? But for me..being a makeup artist is also really good. *smiles brightly* that’s a really sincere smile by the way. It’s not just about you going around drawing on other people’s faces, but you can also go to other amazing and beautiful places and meet new amazing people at the same time! And to top off all that! We can also meet famous celebrities and work for them! Isn’t it cool? The point is. I love my job. Even if it’s not as much as I love dancing, but I still love and respect it. And to be able to meet BTS and work for them made me love it more! Anyway, that thing about “not allowed to fall in love” I don’t really care about that since I’m already head over heels for them! I just need to focus and I am all good, right? Plus, not a single one of them would turn their heads my way. I’m just a make up artist after all. To be able to just see them and get them ready for the fans to see, is already a great honour for me! Or so I say. Little did I know, that one of them would actually be able to change my entire life. ———— This is a BTS Park Jimin FF. Hope you enjoy it ARMY’s. Purple you!!

btsV · その他
2 Chs

That Guy and Me In One House?

There are a lot of crazy and unpredictable events that happens in every person’s lives. Like falling in love, getting hurt, heartbreak, getting fooled, being loved and etc in general. Some unpredictable and crazy parts are having to live with a boy, getting dumped by your long time crush, having to deal with some moronic slash brainless annoying wannabes (AKA school bitches who thinks that they can just sleep with any guys that they are interested in) and having that fear of falling in love again. Let me introduce to you our female MC, Cze Jane Cruz. A gorgeous, smart, down to earth, stubborn, caring, loving, kind, cool, somehow reckless and boyish girl. *imitates a boxing mc's voice* And on the other side of the ring..here we have our male MC, Klied Alec Martinez. An extremely hot, smart, cool, kind of cold-hearted, half jerk, but somehow kind, thoughtful and caring in his own way guy. These two people met in the most craziest and hilariously funny situation that I (author) find interesting. Not sure about you guys, but that's how I think. Hahaha. After that hilarious first meeting, they acted like strangers and went their seperate ways. They obviously pretended like nothing happened, but...when was life ever fair? The next day after their first meeting, they again met each other at school. Apparently, they both go to the same school, what a coincidence, huh? The third meeting was when both parties "group of friends" went to the same park to hungout. I don't even know if this is even called a coincidence anymore. One day, when they just got home to each of their houses, they saw their families with luggages and was ready to go somewhere. When both of them were sending their families off at the airport, both families stood together and smiled at each other. The only exception was the two teenager’s that has absolutely no clue what was even going on. What would happen if one day, they were somehow forced to share the same house? And the reason as to why is because, both of their families went to a sudden "business trip" without saying any other sentence other than, "You two will live together while we're away, goodbye." and then just went straight towards the departure area. Like what the effin' fudge is that right? A handsome looking guy and a gorgeous looking girl living in one house. What could happen? ———— Reminder: This is a somehow the classic romance cliche kind of story. And there are a bunch of unnecessary moments throughout the entire plot, but some of those moments are just put on there, by the author, for fun(A/N: please don’t kill me). Some parts of the story might be partially confusing and not really useful for the entire story, but that’s the author’s fault so don’t stress about it. Anyway, this is an original work and this is literally the first book that I made with sincerity (kinda?). If you don’t like cliche’s moments, then go find another book if you want. I’m not forcing you to read this, I just want to have my work be enjoyed and read by fellow people out there, who enjoys reading novels. Oh! about the grammars and any language errors and stuffs, I deeply apologize for that. English isn’t my first language, so if you somehow find the grammar errors annoying, feel free to comment and let me know so that I can fix it. Also, keep in mind, that this story is only from the author’s figments of imagination only. Any relations to the dead or living in real life are purely coincidental. That’s it and thank you for checking this story out. *finger heart*

btsV · 一般的
4 Chs