I'm me.
I mean, it’s likely true- unlike the peak she’s definitely punched a criminal or two; even if they’re only stalkers and perverts.
No, he made Peach Soda- he needs to make C*caine before he can make Coke, it’s the main ingredient after all.
Useless? This is the ultimate tool of fraud, choose someone you hate- and force them to punch you in the face- then you can send them off to have some tea with the police.
Bit less air in that ego- and he might cut back on the fucking reporters to take out his anger on real criminals, rather than the actors he’s usually fighting.
No, it means the System doesn’t need to help speed it up; and it won’t continuously kill you.
Anything that could spread viruses? Oh no, the students!
Aww no more power-leveling his brain?
Wouldn’t it be closer to all three of their bodies? Or is there a spare that’s gone brain dead on earth now?
Two hours in the real world or two hours in the inheritance? Because that’s two days if it’s in the inheritance.
Clearly the answer is $$$ or time on death.