Loving to write my new fan-fiction but love reading others even more
That is tons though? Plus it would probably also affect his element based learning techniques etc since he is more closely aligned. But simply being able to cultivate 2 days more than someone else is an insurmountable gap.
Fun fact, there are over 2000 known billionaires in the world!
He is not saying that he isnt a descendan of slytherin, he is saying that the Slytherin vault wouldnt exist anymore as it would have been merged into the Gaunt House vault. So he would be (by conquest) inheritor of the Gaunt house, not Slytherin.
You have to realise you are obviously talking to someone who evolved beyond his limits in real life - he jumps over buildings, benches 10 tons, walks on water! Repent to the young master of chaos.
phantom= fathom*
Can only get higher than S stat if you have a limit breaking skill, which he doesn’t (unless author does some AU reasons). His equilibrium only helps reach peak S.
Its not actually a baby dragon. Its proper name is infant dragon.
Dungeon floors go down underground not up, right?
His equilibrium skill doesn’t mention being able to go past limit so it would only help him get everything to 999. Unless the limit for his race is above that of humans (which would make sense).