

2018-07-14 入りましたGlobal







  • lord_couchpotato
    に返信 The_Paragon_White

    It's not about power level, It's about how difficult it is to get power in DXD. In cultivation novel you can still cultivate if you have even mediocre talent. But in DXD even if you are talented you will just be at the bottem ladder as human, Best case is reincarnated as lower demon or mid tier if you don't have a decent sacred gear (Which believe me are not as comman as anime shows). Even rias won't accept you unless you have exceptional power, I think among the devils only sona is someone who will be willing to take someone just for talent(Basically someone with no sacred gear). People are borned with fixed magic power in DXD which means you can not just cultivate and grow stronger, There is a reason reincarnated devils are marginalised and that too when they are just slaves. Issei and gang had a blast in anime because first, Sona and Rias were kind, Issei had boosted gear and he has plot armor.

    Highschool DxD: I have a Dimensional Travel System
    アニメ·コミックス · heavenlydawn_
  • lord_couchpotato
    に返信 Tinman

    Why not, would you not do it if thrown in that world if possible. That would be most realistic way to move forward. DXD although looks fun in anime it is actually more difficult to survive than some cultivation worlds and it's even difficult to gain power as human. Plus issei is not really exposed to supernatural and not belong to any faction, and taking his gear won't cause any impact to his daily life.

    Highschool DxD: I have a Dimensional Travel System
    アニメ·コミックス · heavenlydawn_
  • lord_couchpotato
    Rayleigh doubted he'd need any of the stolen goods after he was found by a Jedi and greatly doubted a Jedi would approve of him possessing such goods, so this was as good a place as any to toss them. Ray then grabbed Mallaray's box of junk and followed his father quietly to the employee entrance.
    The Reincarnator's Tavern
    映画 · GnomeBob
  • lord_couchpotato

    Story is good with huge potential but goes downhill after chapter 50 something. When MC suddenly start acting stupid and making idiotic decisions. Author also using few plots to unessary put mc in risk and then he just rains down hell on his guards for failing to protect him. It's honestly like 2 authors are writing this novel with one writing the mc and other writing the other stuff. MC is also does not have drive to protect mankind he is just playing play pretend and do unnessary things to act his role. Maybe author can correct it by saying he was under influence of some scp? and then make him smart.

    Marvel: The Foundation
    映画 · Darkstar_crow
  • lord_couchpotato
    Alex raised a hand to pause Markus's immediate reaction. "I will not flee from my own mansion because of something breaking in. because no one should be able to break in in the first place!"
    Marvel: The Foundation
    映画 · Darkstar_crow
  • lord_couchpotato

    Goodness gracious this lad is useless...

    Staring at the spot where the mysterious cat burglar had just vanished, Alex was momentarily stunned. It wasn't every day someone managed to outmaneuver him, much less the entire security setup he had going.
    Marvel: The Foundation
    映画 · Darkstar_crow
  • lord_couchpotato

    Did she materialize in your room? She went past all the checks and all the security of Alpha 1 team plus all those guards and went to his bedroom directly? Do you even need these useless guards then?

    Given that this was his personal room, he valued his privacy rather highly, so there were no cameras or sound recordings happening, allowing him to act without worry while in there. However, that was clearly also how a thief had gotten in.
    Marvel: The Foundation
    映画 · Darkstar_crow
  • lord_couchpotato
    に返信 PoorReader

    Well after all that gender bender debacle you really think author will think of such intellegent ideas...

    "The Foundation can't really be considered the good guys… not with the kind of hard decisions we have to make…" Alex whispered to himself as his heart slowly grew firmer and colder.
    Marvel: The Foundation
    映画 · Darkstar_crow
  • lord_couchpotato

    I really hope this female gender bender thing gets over, I mean i don't get what's the point at this point author is just forcing it. I really don't want to drop this story mid way but i am at wits end now.

    "Gotta remember to learn to walk in heels, not to mention all the other things I need to really come off as a woman in the long term." As he was once more alone, he quickly slipped back into his old habit of talking to himself.
    Marvel: The Foundation
    映画 · Darkstar_crow
  • lord_couchpotato
    に返信 Ravnsort

    That is not really the point...

    It was the uniform of the Mage's Association students from the Type-Moon world, slightly shorter than the Hogwarts robe, more stylish in design, and seemed to be a product of combining Muggle world design styles. In addition, he drew matching shirts, vests, trousers, and so on.
    Harry Potter: Journey to Godhood
    書籍·文学 · bobthewriter
  • lord_couchpotato

    So this is a translation and one done very well, Original author of this novel is literally the one who got me hooked to fanfic novels. He wrote like what 3-4 fanfic novels in a row (in past decade) each with 1000 or 2000 chapters and each novel more mind-blowing than the last. although few years back the author said he is now writing original novels. After years i found this novel and found he started writing fan-fics again. Now first regarding this novel, It's very well written(Given that author is writing novels for more than decade now) and it's well translated. My only problem is that novel still focuses most of time on mc's original world and the worlds he travel to are mostly to get power ups in original world. I mean this does not mean anime worlds are not developed properly, it's just that most of the time you would still be reading about mc's original world adventure. Also worlds mc travels are not very high level like for example his first world that is danmachi. I suspect it is mostly so that mc does not exceed original world powerlevel easily. ok so i'll come out honest see i am a bit baised about this author(original author) In previous novels all the anime were high powerlevel anime and there was a new world every 100 or 200 chapters and total of being 10-15 anime worlds covered, But in this novel up till where i have read mc only travelled to 3-4 worlds in 1000 chapters that would be like 6-8 worlds if this turns out to be 2000 chapter novel and that to when those 4 worlds are not very powerful worlds. Thuthfully i though author would write about bunch of new animes like - slime, MHA etc and i would love to see how he would spin those stories but here i have been reading hours on long about his original sword and magic world just because of a hook that soon he would travel to new world. Moreover the romance aspect seems to be focused on OC characters. Well thanks for reading this long, honestly i think most would just skip through. Well if you are on fence about whether to read it give it a go. My resentment is only because after years of waiting author only giving semi-fan-fic lol. Also i would recommend reading his other novels i can garuntee it would not disappoint, go start reading and then give me a like here if you love it XD. Though fair warning all his novels are harem although only in the first one (Grand shoujo summoning) mc is activly seeking harem rest others it's just one thing leading to another and he getting another girl. and even then if you could tolerate the irritaing mc of first novel the anime worlds there are great with animes like strike the blood, sao, certain magic index etc. book 2,3 and 4 are must read with holistic fantasy and summoner of miracles being my personal recommendations.

    Looking Forward to Another World
    アニメ·コミックス · VALRRR
  • lord_couchpotato
    に返信 Shivam_Thakur_1883

    wtf are you even talking about other than the fact mc travels to danmachi literally nothing in your review matches the plot.

    Looking Forward to Another World
    アニメ·コミックス · VALRRR
  • lord_couchpotato
    に返信 RenZneR

    Well if you think in terms of attribute assuming he raised his attributes to 1300 each, that is 300 attr more than the max S rank normally people can have. adding his 3 level up it adds up to 900 points, So attr wise he would be still weaker if someone raised his attributes to S class. Now it should be said that mostly people level up at B or A attr but then again Level up itself increased power with more development ability, so i think it's feasible that mc can not win 5th level adventurers. Although i think he should not be completely helpless in a fight.

    Despite having just reached Level 4, his power was already on par with the top Level 4 adventurers.
    Looking Forward to Another World
    アニメ·コミックス · VALRRR
  • lord_couchpotato

    What is even point of uniform at that point? Although having a lace or something still makes it ok but you can not just wear a completely new design. How will that even be allowed, If you really wanted him to wear mage association clothes he could have wore it outside class in hogwarts and maybe let it catch on and let dumbledore change the dress code.

    It was the uniform of the Mage's Association students from the Type-Moon world, slightly shorter than the Hogwarts robe, more stylish in design, and seemed to be a product of combining Muggle world design styles. In addition, he drew matching shirts, vests, trousers, and so on.
    Harry Potter: Journey to Godhood
    書籍·文学 · bobthewriter
  • lord_couchpotato

    I don't know it kind of feels bit wastful to gert mana like this, specificily when he can get it via meditation. Gaining exp will only going to be more difficult. it's better to atleast upgrade his agility or defence till 200 as that way it can save him in case of a surprise attack.

    "That spirit boost gave me eight hundred mana, now I've got a total of three thousand four hundred, I feel like a full blast of energy would completely destroy a twelve-storey building!"
    Traveling through horror cinema, start with Supernatural.
    映画 · MRCAT66
  • lord_couchpotato


    Taking Freddy's words as a bluff, I just backed away a little further and waited a few seconds.
    Traveling through horror cinema, start with Supernatural.
    映画 · MRCAT66
  • lord_couchpotato

    Why not shoot him? since you know that physical strength is his strong point?

    I scream with all my might, summoning a half-meter black knife, gritting my teeth in pain. I use all my strength and aim at the hand that held the machete now attached to my shoulder.
    Traveling through horror cinema, start with Supernatural.
    映画 · MRCAT66
  • lord_couchpotato

    Then just make an agent of foundation represent you, Why make all this so complicated.

    The long-term strategy involved a gradual withdrawal from the limelight, allowing him to focus more on the Foundation's activities and less on maintaining his public image as the head of the Ricci family.
    Marvel: The Foundation
    映画 · Darkstar_crow
  • lord_couchpotato

    This fanfic had soo much potential, When i first started reading i had little hope but first 20 or so chapters blew me away they are so well written and executed so properly, keeping story fast pased yet not compromising on details. But somewhere after chapter 20 it starts to decline. To the point where complete chapters are just fillers, or telling about some OC. MC's personality takes a hit, Tools not working as expected and system just giving meaningless rewards. Author is most probably using GPT to enhace writing, but some chapters really feels like author gave promt like "MC needs to catch SCP but tools doesn't work properly, Also wants to expand organization". Now although i gave this big rant it's not that story is bad even after the so called downhill it is still better that many other novels on this site. I would definately recommend to read if you are still on the fence.

    Marvel: The Foundation
    映画 · Darkstar_crow
  • lord_couchpotato

    That is just stupid the goal of the tool is to locate the SCP, Even giving random locations like earth or forest was something i could understand. But giving growth rate is just not what it can or should do.

    Instead of providing a location or even a glimpse of its current surroundings, the tool only supplied real-time data on its growth—a detail that, while interesting, did little to aid in its capture.
    Marvel: The Foundation
    映画 · Darkstar_crow