

2019-04-18 入りましたGlobal




  • Tyrs
    Tyrs2 months ago

    The author is clearly talented and the novel is objectively good.As I was reading this I was wondering why this novel is not more popular, as it s pretty good... however as I kept reading I got my answer : As the novel goes on the author takes it from the general umbrella of power fantasy to a very niche territory . To describe it in one sentence : Mentally frail characters put in terrible situations. As the chapters go on the author revels more and more in torturing the characters.Even when the MC wins it feels like a loss. Fair warning for fellow readers : while the writing is good, clearly a talent behind it , it is at the same time a contender for the most depressing and bleak readings on this site.

  • Tyrs
    Tyrs3 months ago

    Good job author , well done. How it got to this point was a bit disappointing - the whole Irene who is barely capable of leading a team in a basic dungeon all of a sudden navigates higher dimensions, but this part offered some redemption.

  • Tyrs
    Tyrs3 months ago

    well...this is the moment where the reader starts considering switching to other novels.So many basic rules broken just within a few chapters: Pacing - 300 chapters of very slow power increase of the MC , not even capable of facing even his own colleagues ,and all of a sudden ... boom ... conflict with interdimensional beings. Breaking his own pre established rules - a side character, a kid, in the very first year of the Academy , just starting her journey does not suddenly becomes a super duper sage of infinite wisdom cracking secrets eluding the entire world and handling higher dimensions.That' s just cheap writing. Well ... actually , this is the second red flag , with the first one being the sudden decision to eliminate the MC's main advantage - future events knowledge- one of the main premises which drew many readers to start reading this novel in the first place.

  • Tyrs
    Tyrs3 months ago

    The author was clearly under the influence when writing this. That , or was his intention to present the new character Kaya as someone with severe mental deficiencies.

  • Tyrs
    Tyrs2 years ago

    Hmm...a quite popular novel on this website .... let's try it out. Guess what? I managed to read exactly 9 chapters. Why you ask ? Hear this "plot" line : "Young adult sees a family/clan member of his (a 12 years old mentally challenged kid ) trip and touch his unrequited crush while in the midst of falling. Next thing he does ? Start making plans on how to kill the kid", Oh yeah, the kid also has slightly higher background and they all live in the same "compound"...consequences ? risks ? meh.. who cares. Perfectly crafted situation and conclusion. If you read the above paragraph and you see nothing wrong there , then I wholeheartedly recommend you stop reading the review at this point and start reading the novel as you will most likely love it. For everyone else I hope you understand that while reading this in the novel I was not able to comprehend if my brain was shutting down due to the brilliant unveiling of what I assume to be the first villain of the story , or if I was having a brain aneurism.....Aaaand for those claiming that it will get better ..well...I surely hope so , because honestly it is really hard to imagine on how it could get worse. You know...if you start at the bottom , there's only one way to go, and that's up(or not).

  • Tyrs
    Tyrs2 years ago

    A warning for the fellow readers; Once the paywall hits, the story becomes a 60% teen drama and 30% slice of life. While there is nothing wrong with that (I'm sure there is an audience for it) what I would have anticipated and enjoyed is barely the remaining 10%.

  • Tyrs
    Tyrs3 years ago

    What a click bait . The very few chapters are vastly different from the rest of the story. It feels like the MC al of a sudden got a brain aneurism and became at his best mediocre . Ignoring the first chapters , the MC is a bit above dumb(pretty much in line with any average xianxia MC) and the story is quite forgettable. The only plus I can think of is that it does not have an overabundance of the typical tropes and cliché found in the trash level of the cultivation novels . Read it if you have nothing else to read .. maybe something in it will hook you up.

  • Tyrs
    Tyrs3 years ago

    There have been many reasons on why I've dropped novels in the past , however for the first time I drop a novel due to the naming choices the author makes . When the characters of a sword and magic world are named after contemporary pop culture personas that is immediate emersion breaking.

  • Tyrs
    Tyrs3 years ago

    Those names ....the author naming sense gets more and more atrocious as this goes on.

  • Tyrs
    Tyrs3 years ago

    As you start reading , you can tell the writing quality is quite high , the author does indeed have talent. Normally I would get excited whenever I encounter this level of writing because this tells me the author is capable to write at least a decent story and somewhat compelling characters. Once you have those elements ..other flaws can be more or less ignored. Well ...with all I said above this should have been at the minimum an ok novel for me to read ....and yet...I stopped at ch 22. Why? Due to the author's choice of MC. Within the first few chapters we have the interactions between the MC and the "first maid". In every interaction between them the MC is getting (to put it mildly) bullied , humiliated and extorted and yet he is getting more and more excited about her. This tells you everything you need to know about the MC. In short , the author presents the MC as being a generic , "lame"/ "beta"/ "doormat", taken straight from any mediocre JP novel with an added twist of the "step on me" fetish.