Trio of strange and powerful person/children. Only one is aboy
Mmh Lockhart able to use magic to destroy a door ?? impossible it must be him who is controlled by tom and that's why they found nothing exiting the train.
Is he stupid ? Does he think that if he go to the muggle world, nobody would notice his eyes ? This gift will be super useful during summer.
This is the best magic, not for it's usefulness but in that you temporally stop being human.
Wasn't the headmaster before Dumbledore more than 300 hundred old when he died ? I wouldn't call this young. Though if I remembered right no witcher as ever died of old age so for all we know they could be immortal. Vasimir become old in the game though, still he die in battle.
Must be like other crossover, his magic to protect him from his family, send him to another world. He grow in the other world (here the witcher) and come back to HP universe but as a child. If for him it's been 20 or 30 year since he was in the witcher world he must have forgotten most of what he knew of the HO universe, add to that the fact he was younger than 11 he would not have know about magic.
At five year old he will be a yonko, at 10 he will have travelled to other dimension and conquered hundred of world.
Why not the girl who change personality with a sneeze ? Give her fighting power and it would be hilarious
Not "heavy" but "sad".
As an adult, one of the reason he try not to kill his enemy is because, he want them to grow stronger and come back. With time he lose the number of adversary who can face him so he cherish the one who are left.