My name is Lucas, and I am just a guy who likes to read.
It amazes me that in a modern world setting people'd still fall for the wolrd "doomed prophecy" shenanigan. Any person with half a brain should at this point already know that prophecies like those are not to be acted against, you doint that it's EXACTLY what'll trigger the bad thing to happen in the first place. Really, really dumbe people. For the love of God, hope they all die before having kids because the world doesn't need this idiocy to pass on to future gens.
I almost can't believe it, but the truh is right before my eyes. SBT! SBT!!! Eu tinha minhas dúvidas antes, mas agora tenho certeza. O autor é um irmão de pátria! Salve! Cara você não tem nem ideia do quanto eu ri nessa parte, simplesmente maravilhoso kkkkk
This basically a novel about when you play the game for Waifus, the vibes are quite similar.
Yeah, one of things that turns me down about this genre of novels is like you mentioned how fast the MC becomes OP. Like, where's the conflict now? The growth? The devlopment?!
At this point I thinm it's pretty clear the "script" given to others by the system is obviously not exactly true to to the one from the MC previous life. To make the MCs life harder it very likely gave others biased script so as to hammer home even more this image of a upright character and not a low villain
Indeed, poor man. He is putting his hope on the deviation being only one of his junior sisters, but as we know everything is gonna change basically. He will try though, and that's the fun part of the novel.
Somone who deeply wants to go back home. In this scenario where the systems is his only ticket back, the MC as shown desperatly wants to simply follow the plot and get done with all. We knows about the deviations but still wishes the overall plot is still there besides, he doesn't know that a bunch of people "know the plot" as well, so he just going for it really, he will not let the chance of seeing his family again go away.
For those that already read many other novels of the genre this is trully a masterpiece. It's really fun to see the author take these so common tropes of the genre and quite openly making fun of them, i mean, I do like these cultivation power fantasy novels. But truth be told many of them are just barely not trash, which a just so slightly not psycopath MC.
The MC was been in this world for around ten years, so while he pretends to be like his villain novel counterpart would it's inevitable that his true self would slip through sometimes. This pill incident probably never happened originaly, but the MC being a good guy "went out of character" and helped them out with the pills. There's probably more moments like this.