The god of the earth hates what is happening on his beautiful planet, And in his rage destroys the whole galaxy.
He keeps the souls of all men, plants and animals, to reuse them in other forms after purification. It will just keep the soul of a person who is the only intelligent asser to be used (repetitive cloning ends up damaging the brain).
God: Tirael, come here! I have something to tell you.
Tirael: I am the lord. What do you want?
God: I would like to recreate a universe and I chose a human soul to be present at that moment.
It happens that this person has not received any education, to solve this problem.
You are going to summon to me the souls of the famous personages that I am going to dictate to you: Thales, Guillaume de Gellone, Sun Tzu and Kobô Daishi.
brudu · 幻想