me gusta novelas apocalipticas
Does everyone know his psychological profile?
being a murderer keeping your identity hidden is even higher priority than batman's. and in a short time two people already know it.
In Runeterra magicians are rare, a minority.
por lo q se el clon de sombra es unico por trasmitir experiencia,y el clon de madera su caracteristica es ser mas resitentente....
De momento siento q el prota brilla demaciado,ojala muestre otras facetas mas adelante.
Creo q este parrafo es muy random.....
This chapter and the previous one, you are abusing too much that everything is commensurate with the MC.
the only thing he expected in this chapter was the fight against ghislaine.
You should explain in more detail because he is a suspicious type, because if the plot does not feel very forced.
Is very good.develops the characters very well, the level of power of the mc is very even to those of the other characters, the development of the story at the moment is very fluid, with the chapters that it takes so far I have almost nothing to complain about.