I like reading and history
thats a phrase I don't hear often
Thats to be debated. Some say yes some say no. I have always knowen Eros/Cupid to be the son of Aphrodite and Ares, not Nyx and Aether
did you mean 'war again' and not against?
He is the farmer, but he was born to wage war and not milk cows, he likes the boom boom sound. *Snow - Informer* (let's see who knows or still remembers this song)
Waffenstillstand 2024 wie vor 100 Jahren. Christmas truce: revamped
great job on the chapters and Story, keep up the good work and most important, merry christmas and happy holidays on this 24th of the wild years that was 2024 to you Zent and all readers. Luck, health etc be on your side now and in what is comming.