So happy Buu wasn't forgotten and is being used as a plot point to stop Cold etc from coming to Earth too early. Would have been a bit rushed if someone who is being set up to Trump Frieza and even Super Saiyan to show up likein Canon and get Merced by Trunks. Same for Cooler, hopefully he gets more depth than he did in the movie and turns into a proper threat down the line. I think Frieza will definitely be back, but Cell is my favorite villain so I can't wait to see what you do with him. Something tells me he will get along with Ajax. Just a feeling 🤣
Dual swords as a Ninja... How stupid.
If there is one thing I enjoy most about fanfics like this, it is expanding the universe from canon and giving it more depth. If it has 'Angels' then why not Demons? Also, how ironic and cool would it be if saidDemons had their own 'Gods of Creation' to pair up with, opposite to the Gods of Destruction. What a weird concept 😅
Still waiting on that Patreon hehe, would happily pay to fund multiple chapters a week
Too much hilarity would be missed if we don't get Future Trunks.
That is some Cthulhu shit right there. Interesting to say the least and likely related to the more divine aspects of Dragon Ball. It makes sense that there would be some kind of opposite to the Kais, Angels and Zeno etc. They toy with the concept of hell in DB but it's more of a joke punishment in canon. But wouldn't it make sense that there is an opposing powerbase? An ACTUAL Hell? With its own 'gods' and equivalents to the 'Angels' like Whis and such? Hmm. Questions for much further down the line I think. Will be a while before Ajax has the power to interact with that stuff
I'd also like to note that I am happy that our MC isn't necessarily overshadowing Goku or even Vegeta in this story. Obviously he eventually will, or more likely be on par with them. But it's good that he isn't taking away from their achievements and is actually making changes where they surpass canon levels. A Goku with no scruples is pretty badass not gonna lie. A Vegeta with the influence of Nappa and vice versa? Also really badass and grounding for him
Huh. Was looking like for a moment Goku would have to wait to achieve SS, but this I did not expect. I also have no doubt that this is a MUCH stronger form of Goku in Super Saiyan. He won't hold back anything now. Like said, when a truly good man hits that bottom line.. Run. Frieza genuinely fucked up on that one.
I like the idea of them being forced to retreat and Goku not immediately achieving Super Saiyan through Krillens death. The only downside of this course is that one of Goku's most iconic and useful abilities in Instant Transmission will be skipped cause he didn't eat I mean train with the aliens on his way back to Earth. Also opens up a lot more potential Frieza content if he isn't defeated here and only bloodied.
Vegeta deserves a win. Toriyama always did him so dirty in canon