I would really be more than grateful for the help in editing. If you can do it, then go ahead. And if you are willing to also do it for current chapters and not only the previous ones, then just tell me how to contact you so we can agree.
Oh, it seems I mistaken in that, thanks for the correction.
Hahaha, no, in that part it describes the USA flag.
Hahaha, sorry for that. But, honestly, I don't think changing his personality. I think writing the core from the novel as comedy, so that personality from the mc adapt to this. I don't want to lie you, I don't believe that this one will have something like a develop of his character or things like that. I only hope this one to entertain and make fun to some people. Thanks for reading SES. I hope you can see the novel like I said and this make you fun a little. I only can ask you to see this one not so serious.
Some thing I changed a bit from the original plot, but Rika appears a little more ahead from where you are reading now. Thanks for reading SES.
Hahaha, I would like to tell you that there is little left, but that depends on how each person considers it. But to give you an answer, it will probably be at the end of this month or the beginning of the next. Finishing this arc of Gaia, there is a small one from HOTD, and then Alex will go to another world after finishing making preparations and goodbyes. I think the following chapters are also interesting as I had fun writing them, so you just have to have a little patience. I hope you all like them! Thanks for reading SES and remember to support the novel on my patreon!!
Hahaha, creo que esta bn porque es para darle variedad de personalidades en los personajes. A veces hay algunos que nos caen mal, y otros que nos caen bn. Gracias por leer SES!!
Sorry, the novel is more in a comedy style for now, so I don't think this one changes soon. Probably more ahead it will change a little, but don't would be a drastic one either. Thanks for reading SES!
Ir al mundo de Sekirei probablemente no, quizás como convocación. El más probable que vaya a Ikitousen es, aunque eso tendremos que verlo en el futuro. Samurai girl no lo eh considerado. Pero apenas estoy escribiendo el 4 mundo, así que solo queda esperar y ver que pasa también. Gracias por leer SES. recuerda apoyar la novela en p. atreon
Hola, si quieres puedes unirte a mi patreon y pedirme los cap en español allí. Pero debo decirte que si publico en español usaré el borrador que escribo en español, cuando lo traduzco a ingles, en ocasiones cambió algunas cosas, pero te puedo asegurar que por lo menos es más del 90 por ciento de la versión inglés. Espero verte en mi patreon pronto! Hasta luego y gracias amigo por leer SES!!