


Not mutch to say

2018-03-17 入りましたGermany




  • Ilumie
    Ilumie4 years ago
    に返信 khazar

    Sure thing XD Any managers around for me to harass? I think someone owes me a refund for my time!

  • Ilumie
    Ilumie4 years ago
    に返信 His_Holy_Foot

    I understand that it upset you to have something you enjoy be so heavily criticized and you are well within your rights to have your own opinion about a work, and make that opinion public, even if it differs from mine. But I do have to say that I personally hate the argument that something should be immune to criticism just because it takes a lot of work. In my opinion as soon as you open something up to the public eye you're opening it up to criticism, whether that critique be bad or good. If you don't want something to receive negative critique, you just shouldn't make it public. Are we not allowed to voice any negative opinions on any public media anymore, just because someone probably worked hard on it. That just seems nonsensical in my opinion. I personally hate the emoji movie, even though some animators probably worked hard on it, and even though I myself wouldn't be able to animate a movie, I'm still fully within my rights to call it a clichéd pandering cash grab profiting of exhausted parents who are willing to put their kids in front of anything to make them stop whining for a few hours.

  • Ilumie
    Ilumie4 years ago
    に返信 Immortal_Pyrsm

    When I said the MC lacked charm I meant just that, he seems bland and flat, he lacks any compelling quirks and character traits that make him unique or memorable, beyond nice. I couldn't care less about harems with their usually two dimensional stereotyped depiction of female characters. Just like I couldn't care less about this novel with it's two dimensional stereotyped depiction of any character.

  • Ilumie
    Ilumie4 years ago
    に返信 Ahtu_Flagg

    I read WMW too and enjoyed it for what it's worth, but I do have to say that I don't really think that it got you all that invested in any of the characters except for MC. The author is pretty good at world building and keeping power growth at the right rate for the story to remain thrilling, but I don't think he's all that good at writing compelling side characters. They are all a little two dimensional and even somewhat repetitive. I did enjoy this novel and could tell you the general story progression and even most of the worlds he went too in order, but I don't think I can recall the name of a single side character, they are just that forgettable.

  • Ilumie
    Ilumie5 years ago
    に返信 Ken_Uzumaki

    I get that and I do enjoy the occasional objectively mediocre novel if it gives me positive feelings, but something about this one just got me really annoyed, guns in HP was one of those things, which is, though there may be exceptions, generally a bad fanfiction trope. Another thing was how they just smeared all that sad backstory in the prologue in order to make the protagonist seem relatable, but then just glossed over it afterwards without any tangible consequences for the character, such traumatic experiences would usually carry. Why even give him a sad backstory at all in that case, why not just make him an old man who lived his best life. The whole thing about just being given all those cheats he never had to work for right at the start also just gave me these terrible Gary Stu vibes. The final and probably most important deal-breaker for me though was just how incredibly boring the protagonist is. I've read amazing stories with an elderly Protagonist but this guy is just far too much of the cookie-cutter nice grandpa, he might work as a minor side character but as a protagonist? He has no quirks, no discernible interests, no habits, no humour, no nothing. Just wholesome grandpa B with superpowers, It's like someone had an idea for a character and just rolled with that directly without ever building up on it. Sorry about the rant, I just personally can't find anything enjoyable about this novel, it's nice if you got some enjoyment out of it, I just don't get those people who are telling me how dumb I am for not realizing what a masterpiece this is. It's fine if you like it, I wouldn't blame someone for enjoying something even if it isn't exactly literary art. I admit to enjoying the occasional trash, but a masterpiece? This? Really?

  • Ilumie
    Ilumie5 years ago
    に返信 EclipsedFlame

    I know that one hit hard, I personally appreciate if stories are able to pull of tragedy right, instead of just sporadically killing of characters left and right without allowing the reader to get invested in any of them only so that they can dub their story grim/dark. Or alternatively those authors who just squeeze all the tragic backstory in the prologue without ever addressing it again, causing the reader to just not care at all. I do get though why that kind of plot can turn you away from a story, I can guarantee that it'll get more positive again in the later parts of the story, I can't guarantee though that this will be the only death that hurts. If you watch anime I still stand behind my recommendation of "Usagi Drop" (should you not have watched it yet) which is more consistently positive, and genuinely amazing.

  • Ilumie
    Ilumie5 years ago
    に返信 JesterOfGenocide

    Yeah, there are also good novels not focused on fighting/action but this just isn't it. I think I made abundantly clear in my other replies why I don't consider this fanfic good on any level.

  • Ilumie
    Ilumie5 years ago
    に返信 Edgelord69

    I forgot to make my last comment a reply to this post, look it up to clarify some of my arguments.

  • Ilumie
    Ilumie5 years ago
    に返信 Ilumie

    1.) My first problem isn't the fact that MC is OP but the fact that every problem faced can be solved simply by the MC being OP. There are sufficient possibilities to make someone face challenges despite or even because of their overwhelming power. If you set your story out to be emotional than the emotional aspects of it shouldn't simply be resolved by, "Oh there's a problem, no worries, all-powerful MC is here and poof the problem is gone just like that. 2.) You gave a very abridged version of what I said there. No I'm not looking for some all edge everything is horrible and no one should be happy, everyone has to be sad all the time story, of course positive emotions are also important and I am all for touching happy stories, but even happy storys can't go completely without conflict or else the emotional scene at the end just isn't erned. Everything is just great no one has to do anything, because everything is already perfect from the get go and what isn't perfect yet will be made perfect, *POOF* just like that, by the protagonist, doesn't really make for a good story. Even shows like the "care bears" which I watched as a literal baby got that right: 'One bear doesn't want to share with the others and wants all the good things to himself which makes his friends sad and he finds himself all alone because he always thinks about himself first. In the end he learns that good things can be even better if you enjoy them together with the people you care about.' There you have it conflict, resolution and even some character development, despite being the literal meaning of a happy go lucky kids show. Where has conflict started to equal dark edgy story in your mind. Conflict is a core aspect of any half-way decent story. Take one of my favorite Anime "Usagi Drop" for example it is simply a sweet story about a single father raising his daughter, yet it also depicts the struggles he faces raising a child on his own despite his lack of experience. The fact that you know how hard he had to work for those happy scenes and how much effort he is putting in just to give his daughter a happy life is what makes you feel for the character, tiny seemingly inconsequential conflicts can give so much life to a story as long as you show how important they are in this little world and they are essential to fleshing out a character. Without any conflict a character may forever remain bland and flat, there is no room for character development where there isn't any conflict. 3.) I'm not saying that otherworldly means necessarily ruin a story, but if the fact that it is a fanfiction and you get to revisit all your favorite worlds is all that you have going for your story, because it is so bland otherwise, you can at least try to get that right. 4.) Where did I ever say that you need a paragraph long description of the characters the reader already knows I'm all for the 'show don't tell' rule. But that is exactly the issue I have with this story, what I'm shown are not the lovable characters that I already know but heavily abridged shadows of themselves. They don't seem alive and interesting anymore, instead their more like caricatures of character we know. Since you put Luffy in the room let's take him for example, and give a short description of his character, so he's usually happy, a little dumb, he cares a lot about his nakama, and he can fight well. Good that's it, that is his whole character now, what you want to see him express all his feelings and explore his character on a deeper level, no, he is supposed to be *happy*, huh, you want him to resolve conflict by talking and expressing his passionate side, no way, he's too *dumb* for that, he'll just *beat the issue up* and then he has be *happy* again, that's all there is to his character! It's honestly painful to see your favorite characters be so badly butchered up just to fit into the two-dimensional storyline. So yeah, hope that cleared up some of my arguments