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2018-03-02 入りましたGlobal




  • Noise
    Noise4 years ago

    Did the novel change its title name? Seems to be focusing a lot on romance and harem. A lot of drama, mysteries. Kinda chaotic. pog..

  • Noise
    Noise5 years ago

    Read up to 800+ chapter. Story started off very interesting. MC opening dungeon shop with real monster he captured from different world that he could visit. As time goes on he gain more subordinate and his shop became more famous. At least until chapter 500+. After that the story seems to slow down massively. One of the story arc took around 100 chapter which solely focus on 1 battlefield being described by multiple character. It felt too padded. One of my issue with this novel is the writing on the action portion. Author done a good job writing about the business part but the action part is lacking. There is a severe lack of tension during the fight especially in the later part of the novel. I don't know why author felt it was necessary to insert jokes during the fight, multiple times, in almost every fighting part of the novel. It is really out of place, ruin the tension and break the immersion during reading. My last problem is with the characters, especially the MC. He really doesn't have much development even after so long. There is event where he seemed to experience character growth, and then he returned to how he is before. After some time the "growth event" occur again, and he still the same. This happen at least 3 times and changes are barely noticeable. The same can be said for his subordinate, they have no character development at all. The one with most development in character and story seemed to be his customer. Overall the story started off good until around chapter 500. It did not turn bad, just dull and boring.