just here to read.
tf hell no. They can keep Kenny but the other two haha why would they even associate with yall. I say summon the two birds and watch the place sink in a storm.
is kuina not training with him?
nah I don't think it'll be like that, I think milo knows how much his sis has done for the both of them and likes Eratz alot as well. At this point he is a good motivation for the both of them. It's been a long time since she got someone that strong to go against, so if she doesn't want to lose And fall behind our MC she's gonna become stronger....unless it's a Chinese novel where somehow the fl becomes stronger without trying lol
speaking of partner, who will be the love interest...if there is even one
oh that's what he looks like lol cool
does he look like his sister? since she looks like their mom, does that mean he looks like the dad? just wondering
love these two, the healing fire Colin and the fairy king Milo
why just 3? does he not count the bird yet??